2012 | In Retrospect...

Jan 03, 2013 15:03

What I wanted to do was a massive progression post from when I started this community to now, and that may still come in the future. For now, however, you just get a look back at 2012 with a few comments and a handful of my personal favorite icons from 2012. I stole the template from rocketgirl2 who has put them up for grabs here, if you're interested.


There were only two posts in January 2012. The first post is probably the most important, I think. It was the set I did for inspired20in20's Out of the Box round, and at the time, I was horrified with the final turn out. In retrospect, however, I am quite proud of several of the icons in the set, and I am really glad I participated in the round. One of the aspects I focused on in the set was coloring with textures. The results were actually disastrous, but it was a skill I kept working with. I'm now much, much better at it! I think I just over thought it at the time.F E B R U A R Y

February is definitely one of my favorite months of 2012, and the four official posts (minus the SPN battle which we don't talk about because my icons were the worst) of this month gave rise to some of my absolute favorite icons of 2012. That Sherlock icon is still one of the best things I've ever done, imo (one of my favorite battles ever as well; thanks Miss Val!), and that Dollhouse icon represented a massive icon breakthrough for me. Thank you rocketgirl2 for presenting me with that cap!M A R C H

March only had one post, but I really think it was a great one. I love the majority of the icons in it (and I had trouble choosing favorites for the preview here). I also started iconning The Vampire Dairies (for real) in March, and I think that opened me up to new coloring styles and other interesting things.A P R I L

APRIL WAS SUCH AN AMAZING MONTH. IF ALL MONTHS COULD BE LIKE APRIL. AHHH. Firstly, I did an absolutely brilliant battle with spittingfish which was SO MUCH FUN. It was also the month that 20inspirations did Black and White as their theme, and it was hands down my favorite round at 20insp. ever. I managed to do two sets of icons because I was so chuffed. Black and white icons were my jam in April. SO many favorites. SO MANY.M A YApparently I didn't do anything at all in May, but I remember May being really busy IRL so that's probably why.J U N E

June wasn't a very active month for me. The multi-fandom batch is pretty solid, I think, but the Community batch I did for inspired20in20 was definitely not my best. Too bright, I think. I did them all in one night though, as stress relief, and at the same time I was doing an essay; so that might explain the lack of quality. The Brutus icon above is definitely a personal all time favorite icon for me though. That cap was so contrary, and I am amazing I fit that much text on an icon in straight lines.J U L Y

Ah, the month of endless battles! I think there's three separate battles going on, but only one post. I really love the text work I pumped out during this month though. Lots of text heavy favorites. I was, maybe, a bit texture happy in some places though, and not for the better. Also home of the worst icon I made in 2012, ugh.A U G U S T

Another one post month, and I small post at that. Not to mention that it is for TIQ's mentor challenge so it isn't even ~me inspired. Still definitely some good icons in there even if it isn;t my favorite post of the year. Also CASTLE. ♥S E P T E M B E R

Another one post month, but what a post! It is definitely one of my favorite posts of the year. Coloring wise, I honestly think this is the best post of the year, and it wasn't too shabby on the text front either. Composition wise, it also gets five stars from me. Actually, it might be my best post of 2012. Maybe. I know, I know. I left out Amy Pond "a little bit fairy tale", but, eh, I liked the Buffy icon better overall even if no one agreed with me.O C T O B E R

Ah, this is why I was holding out the 'Best Post of 2012' award. This is the only post in October, but, damn, I do love it so. Definitely showcases my absolute best when it comes to Supernatural. Again, it gets coloring, composition, and text props from me. it has two of my most controversial icons in it as well (1 and 2); I'm very proud of both, actually. What do you guys think? September or October?N O V E M B E RUnfortunately, October saw the last of my muse for awhile, and November was completely dry when it came to icons.D E C E M B E R

Last post of the year! I really like the Castle icons, and the icons I made for trope_overdosed's final challenge. The first and last Grey's icons are favorites of mine as well. I'm hoping those two and the last two Castle icons are signs as to what is to come in 2013! C L O S I N GAccording to my count (and not including the Supernatural battle and the Chat battle icons because I didn't really like my results in either, and not including wonderous-stuff because I never cross posted them to my icon journal, oops), I made 18 posts in 2012 containing 625 icons total. As a whole, I am really proud of my work in 2012. I don't look at posts and cringe about how many bad icons there are because, in my opinion, there aren't as many bad icons anymore. I like the way my coloring has progressed. I like where my text work is going. I also hope to take some of the more complex icons that I am proud of from 2012 and apply the elements in them that inspire me to new icons in 2013. Special shout outs to raiindust, tinebrella, and spittingfish who have all had massive impact on my style in 2012, and another big thank you to everyone who commented with praise or concrit; you've all been amazing.


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