This was going to be a post about
fire_juggler's awesome
Meta: On Listening, and why you should read it, or listen to me read it to you, or listen to
lunchy_munchy reading it to you... but then I thought that a little background information might be useful to you, the Intended Audience.
Our story starts this past Wednesday, when my Mother announced that the day trip up to (
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Comments 5
Thank you, thank you, thank you for giving such beautiful voice to my words!!! I can't tell you how amazing it is to hear my words read aloud. And as I told lunchee, it is so marvelous to hear two versions that are done so differently!!! Multiple versions are SO MUCH LOVE!!!!!!
You are AMAZEBALLS!!!!!!!!
I'm downloading this, because, well, LOVE. <3
The moral of the story? Try not to be too busy, or you won't wake up for many many hours ;-)
...also, I hope you enjoy it! I had so many moments of IS SHE IN MY BRAIN!??! while reading fire_juggler's meta, and basically just couldn't resist podficcing it. Hopefully, it'll do the same for you, too.
I sort of approach fandom through the lens of creating things, whether podfic or writing, so I will probably always make more than I listen to/read, no matter what fandom I'm in, but this really captured what I love about podfic, too -- the fact that listening to it really shows you the podficcer's relationship with that work, and the many ways the podficcer's personality expresses itself through the podfic. It also made me think about how my approach to podfic has changed over the last year or so, because it really has, but it's taken until now to really get a handle on how... maybe I should podmeta that! :D?
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