This was going to be a post about
fire_juggler's awesome
Meta: On Listening, and why you should read it, or listen to me read it to you, or listen to
lunchy_munchy reading it to you... but then I thought that a little background information might be useful to you, the Intended Audience.
Our story starts this past Wednesday, when my Mother announced that the day trip up to (down to? into?) Washington, D.C., she'd been talking about, off and on for the last few weeks, would be taking place TOMORROW! Cue frantic bus ticket purchasing, Googling of the D.C. Metro system, and several Tweets to
kalakirya for must-see museum exhibits to visit.
Fast-forward to 4:30 AM, Thursday morning, as I wake up disgruntled and with no time to shower. Then it's rushing out the door to catch the 5:09 AM train into NYC to catch a 6:30 AM bus to DC to arrive at 11:00 AM. Then there's a 20 minute adventure through the halls of Union Station (D.C.) to find the subway, the surprising news that one must pay to LEAVE the subway system or be trapped forever in it's depths, and five national museums in five hours. Rush back to the subway to catch the 6:30 PM bus back to NYC, lose time in Baltimore and also New Jersey on the ride home, and arrive in NYC approximately 45 minutes later than scheduled. Hustle to catch the 11:48 PM train back to Long Island, and arrive home mere minutes before 1:00 AM Friday morning. (Those of you who follow my Twitter account, @reenajenkins, were subjected to graced with my liveTweets of this Adventure. I exceeded the limit of pictures allowed to be posted to Twitter in one day, and so plan on making a giant picspam of My Day In D.C. for everyone to be amazed over. Later.)
Then. Sleep for 5.5 hours, and wake up at 6:30 AM Friday morning. Shower, hustle Littlest Sister through making her lunch and out the door. Begin babysitting gig at 7:45 AM. Hustle three under-10s onto the schoolbus, and begin 11 hours of babysitting (it's not nanny-ing, because nannies have cars). Entertain the three-year old. Make lunch. Do educational things with the three-year old. Try to convince the three-year old to take a nap. Mainline coffee. Pick up the kids from the bus stop. Make dinner. Run across town for the 6:26 PM train into NYC. Miss the 6:26 PM train into NYC. Go to Starbucks, get a Frappuccino, smile at the barrista, get extra caramel sauce on my Frappuccino, wish I was wearing last Friday's dress (it got me a free size upgrade for my Frappuccino). Catch the 7:08 PM train into NYC. Take the subway to Lincoln Center. Miss the first ballet act. Stand in the back of the theater. Intermission. Find my seat - holy crap, I'm twenty feet from the stage! Be amazed by the ballet. Be amazed by the costumes. Be amazed by music. Run from the theater back to the subway, run through Penn station, catch the 10:48 PM train home. Home before midnight *\o/*
Check flist before bed. Find
fire_juggler's post,
Meta: On Listening. Read post. Be struck through the heart by how VERY APPLICABLE TO YOUR EXPERIENCE this post is. Blink. Surprise GarageBand is surprising. Record podmeta to fill the "Unfamiliar Genre" square for
podfic_bingo. Spend more time on cover for podmeta than on actual recording process. Send link to podmeta download to
Wake up at 7:00 AM. Shower, get coffee, trek through nasty rainy drizzle to other babysitting job (this time it's a two-year old and a four-year old). Babysit. Babysit for an additional 1.5 hours, when Mother Who Is Paying Me doesn't get home on time. Come home. Find my Mother and Father doing Home Improvements (accompanied by copious bickering, as Father no longer lives here and isn't sure why he let Mother talk him into repainting bathrooms with her). WANT NAPS. Cannot sleep. Turn on laptop. Type post. Run out of will to write full sentences.
***After taking a nap and undoing what felt like years of exhaustion, I decided to use this podmeta to fill the "Unfamiliar Genre" square on my
podfic_bingo card, as meta is not something I record with any frequency.***