“Mmm, yeah, could do your tongue. You know what those are good for, right?”

May 22, 2011 22:17

AMP 2011: Day 49

I have a tattoo kink a mile wide. I have a kink for piercings that's only slightly narrower. I have a thing for hot sex in stories. I have a thing for hot exhibitionist sex in stories. I enjoy humor in my sex stories. I have a love of power-play in fics, which segues into my mild-to-moderate love of bondage in fanfic. I think that both Mr. Ackles and Mr. Padalecki are gorgeous.

That being said, Get Some [Ink], written by bewaretheides15, manages to hit EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE BUTTONS. And, bewaretheides15 hits them all very well. She's got this style of blending humor into her pr0n, that leaves you both speechless and gasping - from the sexytiems and from the sarcasm! Her character-portrayals are lively and loveable, and with almost every single fic of hers that I've read, I've been left wanting for more. She crafts these amazing 'verses, and then you realize, "Of course Jared would work in Jensen's tattoo shop, and end up flirting via notes and too-tight t-shirts! Of course Jensen has a lip ring! Of course Jared is happy to play with The Tristan at work and at home!"

I honestly did not know, until I read this fic, that sex in a tattoo chair was something I found quite so scintillating ;-) So, thank you, bewaretheides15, for helping me explore this new kink! If you are looking to explore your love of tattoos, piercings, flirting via note-writing, J2 in general, sarcastic humor, a little bit of D/s power-play, a teeny bit of underage-foreplay, buttplugs, eyesex, or even plain old romance....well, this is the perfect podfic for you! Hopefully, your love of tattoo-fic will be just as sparked as mine was - seriously, it was as though the Podficcing Gods were sending me a message from on high the first time I read Get Some [Ink], telling me I simply had to record this fic!

Download the mp3 here. Don't forget to leave bewaretheides15 some love, for this excellent fic. Enjoy!

amp 2011, other people's fanfic, podfic, fandom: jared and jensen are in love

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