So, last night was a late night, and I kindasorta forgot to post the podfic of the day here. So, have two shorter podfics today, instead ;-)
AMP 2011: Day 47
Angels in the Architecture, written by
rivkat, has one of the more creative end-the-Apocalypse solutions I've read in a Supernatural fic. The fact that it also contains a crossover with Firefly is extra incentive for enjoying the story! Also, you should listen to me reading this story because rivkat is an amazing author, and manages to combine River's psychic sensabilities, Lucfifer-controlled Reavers, and Captain Tightpants as a damsel in distress...into an amazing time-travel romp for the Winchester brother. Angels in the Architecture is serious where it needs to be, with humor a la Joss Whedon where it best fits, and all the angst one comes to expect from the potential End of Days. Plus, Castiel's arrival - and Mal's reaction to it - is fantabulous.
Download the mp3 here, and enjoy 20 minute of excellent storytime.
AMP 2011: Day 48
I'd originally had something else planned for posting today, but...last night I saw Fast Five. And then this morning, I went through all my bookmarks and resurected everything FatF I'd ever read (okay, only six or so stories - anyone want to point me in the direction of more? Feel free!), to be re-read as time permits, because, ohmylanta! The pretty men! The pretty cars! The explosions and eyesex! I have been swept away by the pretty, and now I need to revel in all the Dom-and-Brian-are-fucking-in-the-garage fic that I can find. For example:
Unfinished Business, which I picked up mid-afternoon today, has completely ensnared my brain. Again.
And so, in the spirit of MUST SHARE ALL THE PRETTY that I came home with last night, I rushed off to
pprfaith's fic,
Five Ways Vince Didn't Die. I'd seen it posted earlier this week, but held off reading it until I'd seen Fast Five. And, yes - it's about just what it sounds like ;-) This morning, I woke up....brushed my teeth...took a dressed....ate breakfast (coffee with milk and sugar, string cheese, and a waffle)....and recorded Five Ways... cold. It was just what I needed to kick-start my day: fix-it fic, with LOTS OF PRETTY, and emotionaly gut-wrenching scenes of lots of pretty people and shiny cars! Clocking in at under ten minutes, Five Ways... is the kind of fic that hits the spot after an excellent car-chases-and-exploding-awesome movie.
Download the mp3 here!
In other news...
- V had her birthday at the beginning of the month. She is officially a teen-ager!
- V got injured at a soccer game on her birthday, and busted her knee. She's currently in PT for a ripped tendon, but has an ACE bandage and an unlimited pass to the Middle School's elevator.
- Littlest Sister celebrated her First Holy Communion last weekend. She looked very pretty.
- Littlest Sister got her ears pierced for her Communion. She looks very grown-up.
- We have a buyer for the house!
- We have a house for us to move into!
- We have a moving date of approximately June 20th!
- E is home for the summer - the volume level in all rooms has risen six decibels since she got home ;-)
- I had three surprise free hours yesterday, and was able to record enough podfic that I should definitley be able to keep posting one a day 'til the end of
amplificathon. Woohoo!
- I have, according to my email, over 70 unread messages right now. I don't know how this happened - I'm really not that interesting, so why do people keep talking to me? But, I shall spend the rest of the evening attempting to answer those messages while watching 'Real Housewives of New Jersey' with E (she has terrible taste in tv shows).
Okay, so, that's all for tonight!