"Well then, welcome to the Eyeball family, kid. You're going to fucking love it."

Nov 05, 2012 14:34

The wifi at Dunkin is being capricious - earlier today, and on previous occasions, it told me that my lj was "blocked pornography" - so I'm going to post this quickly and hope for the best.

Once upon a time, almost a year ago, I was dipping my toes into Bandom. One of the first stories I read was close-to-canon AU, where bb!Kevin Jonas ends up as a guitar tech for the up-and-coming act, My Chemical Romance. It's one of those OBVIOUSLY THIS SHOULD'VE HAPPENED stories that sticks in your brain and makes you smile and changes your headcanon (which is difficult in RPF, since canon is actually reality, and that's not so easy to rewrite...)

One thing I'd noticed as I delved further into Bandom was the Six Degrees effect - everyone knows everyone else, whether through touring together, or being on the same label, or coming from the same music scene or even the same neighborhood. It's not my weekend (but it's gonna be my year), written by mizubyte, is the fic that basically cemented this whole Six Degrees Of Awesomeness notion in my brain. Foe example: The Jonas family is native to New Jersey! My Chem is from Jersey! THEY MUST HAVE CROSSED PATHS SOMEWHERE IN NEW JERSEY. THE STATE IS NOT THAT BIG.

I'm sure what else to say to sell this story to you, internets - there is a bb!Jonas Brother, going to dirty basement shows and sneaking into the Loop Lounge and helping bb!Frank Iero paper the neighborhood with flyers for Eyeball Records. There is Pencey Prep, and Midtown, and Thursday, and My Chem's very first performance! There is Family Drama, and absentee parenting, and running away from home! There are musical interludes, because I love this story so much that I made it an era-appropriate fanmix (you should click over there to hear the full-length versions of all the songs used in this podfic, and also to learn my reasoning for each song used in this podfic. I have lots of reasons, so they get their own post)! There is fantastically amazing coverart, made by quintenttsy, with Van Days My Chemical Romance and bb!KJ. You know you want to listen.....

This podfic is an hour and a half long, and can be downloaded as an mp3 right over here (thank you, paraka, for hosting me!) OR you can stream the story by clicking above. Nigh-inexpressible gratitude goes out to quintenttsy for giving this podfic a beta-listen, and to mizubyte for being so understanding and helpful with all my Probing Background Questions regarding this story. Without them, this podfic wouldn't be nearly as awesome as it is right now.

(***I'm going to use this podfic to fill the "Slur/Mumble" square on my podfic_bingo card, thanks to the scene where Mikeyway sleeps his hangover off at KJ's desk - there's plenty of mumbling over there.***)

b-i-n-g-ohhhhh, other people's fanfic, podfic, someone made coverart!, fanmix, fandom: scruffy bandboys love each other, fandom: disney

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