( i have two-thirds of a podfic_bingo blackout )

Nov 08, 2012 22:00

I can safely say that I have reached a significant point in my career as a podfic person: it feels more difficult for me, DEEP IN MY SOUL, to post a podfic without a cover, than to sit on the podfic for days, weeks, possibly months on end, until a podfic cover presents itself. Even if they are bitty podficlets, and it takes me two or three times longer to make the cover than to record the podfic, COVERART MUST HAPPEN.

The reason I know this about myself? Since I didn't have any opportunities for podficcing this past hurricane, I thought I'd try to keep my hand in by making coverart. It turns out that I have more podfics in my stash waiting for coverart than podfics in my stash waiting for an appropriate posting circumstance. There's 2 podfics waiting for #ITPE, 2 podfics waiting for Thanksgiving, and 3 podfics waiting for pod_aware to be posted - everything else I've got in my twenty-plus podfic stash is waiting for coverart. And yet, despite the fact that I had so many podfics in need of coverart, I kept hitting a block, creativity-wise.

I tried looking through past podfic covers for inspiration - didn't help.

I tried looking at other people's podfic covers - didn't help.

I tried three random thematic GoogleImages searches - didn't help.

Which means that the podfics I'm posting tonight have only one thing in common: they have covers that are the result of me flinging things at PowerPoint and crossing my fingers until something stuck. I'm sorry, authors, that I wasn't able to give your stories the deep, meaningful, insightful coverart they deserve. I just can't be supercreative all the time, and I'd rather have something to post than wait and wait until inspiration strikes. Hopefully, my reading will be impressive enough to make up for the lackluster covers....

The one where Patrick and Mikey eat popsicles, written by bexless - This story makes me smile SO MUCH, and hopefully my reading of it will brighten a lackluster day for you, too! I'm using this podfic to fill the "No Editing" square on my podfic_bingo card (I swapped out "Radio Play" for "No Editing" last month, with this particular podfic in mind). You can download this five-minute-long podfic as an mp3 right over here (thank you, paraka, for hosting me!) OR you can stream the story by clicking above.

untitled poncho ficlet, written by andeincascade - Meet-cutes make me smile. Gerard Way makes me smile. Ponchos actually give me horrific flashbacks to some of my less-than-stellar fashion choices made in the eighth grade, but this fic made me smile anyway. You should totally take a listen to this three-minute-long podfic, especially since I'm using it to fill the "Record Lying Down" square on my podfic_bingo card. Download it as an mp3 right over here (thanks, paraka, for hosting me!) OR you can stream the story by clicking above.

Aziraphale & Crowley vs. The Pinball Machine, written by
sunspot - This is my fill for the "Random Fic" square on my podfic_bingo card. I'd never read the fic prior to fifteen minutes before recording, when it was recommended to me via the collective amazingness that is my Twitter Feed. And actually, I wish I'd read this story sooner, because it's pretty funny! Especially the part with graphic depictions of pinball machines - that part made me giggle. The longest of the bunch at eight minutes long, you can download this podfic as an mp3 right over here (thank you, paraka, for hosting me!) OR you can stream the story by clicking above.

In conclusion: it's been said it before, but bears repeating over and over until it finally sinks in. This is all bessyboo's fault.

i blame everything on twitter, b-i-n-g-ohhhhh, other people's fanfic, podfic, i made coverart!, fandom: good omens, fandom: scruffy bandboys love each other

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