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Comments 4

mander3_swish July 17 2014, 20:59:49 UTC
it's like watching it all over again! :D

"How is it he always looks so delicious when injured and bloody? " I've come to the conclusion that the blood brings out mr. mcavoy's gorgeous blue eyes. FACT. (see Wanted)

I haven't read any new Cherik fic either, but hell, those scenes were so perfect, all that was missing was the kissing. sigh.


reeface July 19 2014, 00:56:04 UTC
Aww, thanks!

THOSE BLUE EYES GUH AND FTW. I concur with your conclusion. ;)

Word. Needed more kissing. *nod* Oh oh, I just started looking for fic and found this one. I'm a hanful of paragraphs in and already it is amazing alfkajds. I do so <3 this fandom.


lunachickk July 18 2014, 01:49:45 UTC
Damn. Now I want to see it AGAIN!

*squees with you*


reeface July 19 2014, 00:57:24 UTC
Yesssssssssss. I can't wait for the DVD. :D


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