x-men: days of something something

Jul 17, 2014 00:06

MY FUCKED UP OTP LIVES ON. The Charles/Erik was strong in this movie, y'all. SO STRONG. Also, I'm not ashamed to admit that drugged out and scruffy 1970s Charles is hotter than all the hot things. THAT ROBE DID THINGS TO ME OKAY.

But mostly I was all about this:


You guys. YOU GUYS. That whole scene made me wibble. And marvel that we were getting to SEE a scene I'd usually have to come home and find fanfic for. I just watched it again and, ugh, my heart. The way Charles jumps up and his voice as he screams and grabs onto Erik after TEN YEARS APART, trapped in his head and thinking the worse of the man he loved, and Erik is so distraught/angry about feeling abandoned himself/all the mutant deaths that he nearly downs their plane and just oh god. THEIR EPIC MANPAIN IS EPIC. James and Michael FTW. And then the end with Erik shot and Charles reaches for his hand after everything they've been through as their world is ending and just *sob*. Patrick and Ian FTW.

Sorry, Erik, Charles and I both totally thought you tried to kill the president, not save him. Our bad, our bad. (Now I wonder what JFK's mutant power was. Sex pheromones? Super charm? I'm going with sex pheromones.)

Also awesome: that first hello punch from Charles for Erik, heh. Door slide open--PUNCH. Hee.

Also awesome, part two: playing chess. Cos that's basically their foreplay when there's no punching. My main thought process during that scene:

Charles' "can't decide whether to kill you or fuck you" expression over that chessboard is giving me liiiiiife.

So wait. Quicksilver is Erik's son? WHAT. I JUST. WHAT. That little dropped hint ("They say you can manipulate metal. My mom used to know a guy who could do that.") went over my head at first cos my comic-canon memory is awful. Then later during another scene it sunk in and aldfjaskj omg. I was so wishing I had rewind to better see what Erik's reaction was, heh. But oh man. This little factoid is still blowing my mind. Does Erik know? I want Charles to find out! And Quicksilver and Erik convos need to happen RIGHT NOW. Guh. I need fic. BUT YEAH. Apart from all that daddy drama, all the scenes needed more Quicksilver. He was hella fun! He and Blink were my favorite new mutants for this movie. His "Wow!" reaction when Erik tells about killing the president aldfjas. But then he's just sent back home. UH MOVIE, THAT MAKES NO SENSE. He could've carried out their whole plan by himself! Yeah, I know, that woulda been a ten minute movie. Who needs logic!

Those kick-ass future Sentinals were amazing. AMAZING. I'm sad they're don't exist anymore, ngl. They were such a great unbeatable foe. Like Borg!

While Charles was killing me with his robe o' sex, there was Erik and his jaunty hat and fuck me sunglasses combo waltzing in to get his helmet. Oh. Oh my. Yes. I can't wait to see this GQMF shot in all the fanvids, guh.

THAT HAIR. GUH. A moment of silence, plz, for it is delicious.

Super dramatic scene and that was all I could think lol.

Charles always ends up on his back because of Erik in these movies, heh. How is it he always looks so delicious when injured and bloody? Tho it does mostly look like he has smeared grape jelly on his head alfkja. And then later Charles letting Erik go at the end cos looooove. ♥__♥ I really can't wait to find fic. It's been ages since I read for this pairing.

This movie once again confirmed I do not find Hugh Jackman's gross-veiny-leathery body attractive. /gag

One thing that bugged me: The school closing after one semester because of the war drafting the older male students and teachers. I understand it was more like the last straw for Charles' already broken heart plus the lack of teachers, but the way it came off was like, well, guess there's no point teaching the girls and the younger boys now, byeee. Made me all :|.

The end with the altered history/future was pretty amazing. That's how you do a reboot movie, heh. Everyone alive and happy at the school, aww. And now we shall never have to endure X3 again. Bleh. AND OMG JEAN.

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SHE'S ALIVE SHE'S ALIVE SHE'S ALIIIIIIVE. I slapped my hand over my mouth to contain squeals in the theatre. I was so pissed when she was killed off in X3 and now this and yaaaay.

IS IT 2016 YET? No? Poopie. :(

squee, charles/erik, picspam: x-men, movies, movies: x-men

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