teevee to the rescue

Mar 17, 2009 00:55

The upside to being sniffly and congested and feeling like poo? Catching up on my old friend, teevee. ♥

ATWT, 3-16 )

tv: brothers and sisters, tv: nip/tuck, tv: atwt, tv: ugly betty, deathday, doodles, tv: damages, luke/noah, tv: desperate housewives, doodles: qaf, teevee

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Comments 34

shape5 March 17 2009, 08:32:37 UTC
I miss Cliff too!

BTW, I had a few things due last week, which meant I wasted a lot of time on youtube, and I realized Michael Urie is unbelievably awesome in RL. He's like all of Marc's best qualities. Now I feel I kind of suck for just smiling at him when I saw him in NY (although in my defense, he wasn't being noticed and I didn't want to be the one who changed that).


reeface March 17 2009, 09:28:16 UTC
I want him to show up outta the blue SO BAD. Cliff, come baaaack, Marc misses youuuu. :*(

Okay, see, now I'm crushing on Michael all over again aldsj. What were you watching?


shape5 March 17 2009, 09:37:32 UTC
First of all, he randomly updates about filming, and uploads pictures of him, Becki Newton and Jai Rodriguez eating on his twitter. Also, just random videos of him and Becki singing in all kinds of shows (Broadway Loves the 80s is amazing, and shows Judith Light in the audience, which is adorable since the whole cast seems to actually like each other a lot and hang out together, like when Michael proudly posted a vid of Mark Indelicato performing). Also, both of them doing Not Getting Married at Broadway Backwards. Un, and him in Defying Inequality (which is where Mark Indelicato was performing as well). They are such an adorable cast!


shape5 March 17 2009, 09:39:22 UTC
Also, I haven't watched Nip/Tuck since season 2 or 3, but doesn't he also discover Liz is a lesbian on their honeymoon? Or am I thinking of the wrong character?


beautifullion69 March 17 2009, 08:56:39 UTC

LOL! i completely missed that:)

these past few weeks, i've been waiting to see if zeljko ivanek (ray fiske and my fav:) will return. i've read reports that he'll be making "several appearances" this season. but there's 3 eps left and i'm getting worried that he won't show up.


reeface March 17 2009, 09:33:38 UTC
Me too! I couldn't've told you his first name if my life depended on it, but that's just too funny. Thank goodness for IMDb! ;)

OMG OMG OMG. He NEEDS to show up. Like NOW. I've missed him. :(


beautifullion69 March 17 2009, 09:38:13 UTC
good thing he's on heroes and big love right now, i have something else to look forward to every week:)


rougevelvet March 17 2009, 08:58:04 UTC

Plus another 'gay' crusade, it's so freaking annoying. They're regular people.I know there are some different issues faced, but he'll I'd like to see them have a 'normal' life and yes address obstacles when the arise, but without freaking making a federal matter over it. Couldn't get that house? Man that guy was a jerk, let's go shag on his porch and then get a better place. end. Why continuously bash people over the head with it till they're bored? soap opera, I know! I mean, us we're already like, "yay, teh gay," so the 'crusade' part is tolerable if only for that. I do wonder how people who DONT like the characters rate their storylines. I can't eloquently express this propperly, but man the writing, those boys are lucky they're so adorable and have great chemistry because the writers hardly ever deserve a second of our time ( ... )


reeface March 17 2009, 09:37:50 UTC
I hear ya. I had the same thought! But I think Luke's regular is gay crusader. ;) And they're learning to balance; he kept researching while Noah looked for their apartment. Major big deal, since the last crusade had him completely obsessed. This time 'round hopefully will be more normal. ;)

*joins you in the squishily happy*


rougevelvet March 17 2009, 09:40:29 UTC
Sorry, I just think the should be banging in the coffe shop after hours, clearly this is what daytime tv needs?! lol

I know, and it wouldnt be 'them' without the angst and drama and we wouldnt get half as excited as we do over a lil touch here, smile there if we had it all given to us... I know this too, but get me started on a rant and off I go lol.

Meanwhile my YT window is open and ready to watch the vid again >.>


reeface March 18 2009, 07:55:31 UTC
HEE! Exactly. Must watch again. *nods*


camelhaircoat March 17 2009, 11:47:57 UTC
Hahahahahaha! Agent Randy Harrison - I gotta say I've been watching the show the whole time and never even realized that - like duh. See that's why we need you, to point out this shit. But then again, I gotta concentrate like woah when I during this one or I'm lost. I'm sorry to see Mario go. I liked him. My husband HATES Ellen so every week as people die off he keeps waiting for her turn. LOL. When he saw Patty come out covered in blood he was like "Maybe finally Ellen's gone ( ... )


reeface March 18 2009, 08:06:06 UTC
Oh, good, I'm not the only one who has to like, have coffee and pay super-duper attention when watching or get lost. :p Poor Ellen, bwa! Methinks she'll survive this one. Tell your husband sorry 'bout that. ;)

If ever there was a definition of "AM SO FUCKED" it was Christian's look! I hope they don't skip into the future when the show returns. I wanna see "live" how he deals with the whole Liz thing. His son loves her so! Oy, Teddy. I LOVE Katee, but I admit to fast-forwarding most of that storyline. Though mostly due to my hate of Sean lately. Grrr.

See, I love Lynette, but ONLY when she's alone or with the other girls. When she's with Tom, she drives me up a wall. :| So true about MJ, hee! She's in his school and we still don't see him much.

Scotty soooo needs more airtime. It's ridiculous. Then again, Tommy's wife doesn't get much time either. But still. Scotty's hotter. ;P OMG, I will seriously cry if they kill off Sally. You take that back! ;)

Aww, thanks, hon. ;)


buzziecat March 17 2009, 13:27:32 UTC
Such funny comments as usual. I love Bree too and how she lowers to the occasion.
Feel better, 'Sniffles.' Here's some green tea. Careful, it's hot.


reeface March 18 2009, 08:07:01 UTC
That's so Bree, lol.

Mmmmmm, tea. Thank you!


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