teevee to the rescue

Mar 17, 2009 00:55

The upside to being sniffly and congested and feeling like poo? Catching up on my old friend, teevee. ♥

ATWT, 3-16 )

tv: brothers and sisters, tv: nip/tuck, tv: atwt, tv: ugly betty, deathday, doodles, tv: damages, luke/noah, tv: desperate housewives, doodles: qaf, teevee

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rougevelvet March 17 2009, 08:58:04 UTC

Plus another 'gay' crusade, it's so freaking annoying. They're regular people.I know there are some different issues faced, but he'll I'd like to see them have a 'normal' life and yes address obstacles when the arise, but without freaking making a federal matter over it. Couldn't get that house? Man that guy was a jerk, let's go shag on his porch and then get a better place. end. Why continuously bash people over the head with it till they're bored? soap opera, I know! I mean, us we're already like, "yay, teh gay," so the 'crusade' part is tolerable if only for that. I do wonder how people who DONT like the characters rate their storylines. I can't eloquently express this propperly, but man the writing, those boys are lucky they're so adorable and have great chemistry because the writers hardly ever deserve a second of our time.


that was actually just a teeensy observation, because most of the other time I was all squishily happy...but yeah, stoopid writers.


reeface March 17 2009, 09:37:50 UTC
I hear ya. I had the same thought! But I think Luke's regular is gay crusader. ;) And they're learning to balance; he kept researching while Noah looked for their apartment. Major big deal, since the last crusade had him completely obsessed. This time 'round hopefully will be more normal. ;)

*joins you in the squishily happy*


rougevelvet March 17 2009, 09:40:29 UTC
Sorry, I just think the should be banging in the coffe shop after hours, clearly this is what daytime tv needs?! lol

I know, and it wouldnt be 'them' without the angst and drama and we wouldnt get half as excited as we do over a lil touch here, smile there if we had it all given to us... I know this too, but get me started on a rant and off I go lol.

Meanwhile my YT window is open and ready to watch the vid again >.>


reeface March 18 2009, 07:55:31 UTC
HEE! Exactly. Must watch again. *nods*


rougevelvet March 17 2009, 09:47:01 UTC
PS Dorm room interruptus fic needed....


reeface March 18 2009, 07:56:25 UTC
I would so pay money for that, especially if it's hot AND funny. ;)


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