just call me sporty spice tonight

Aug 30, 2008 12:54

Know what helps fight Olympics withdrawal? TENNIS OMG. I've been watching the U.S. Open on and off for the first time in my life. I know of a few names (Federer, Roddick, Nadal, Williams sisters), but that's about it. Trying to figure out how scoring worked gave me a mondo headache (SERIOUSLY WTF, TENNIS, STOP BEING DIFFICULT), but I think I've got ( Read more... )

van the man, soccer, tennis, phelps, soccer: galaxy, beckham

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Comments 19

meloncreme August 30 2008, 08:18:21 UTC
I haven't been able to watch any US Open matches this time round cause Aus tv is horrible at this and I'm capped and akhgiahg nothing loads. =_=;;
Roddick & Gulbis? Hm. That pairing has never crossed my mind.


reeface August 30 2008, 08:45:51 UTC

Mine either, until tonight, hee. Of course, before tonight I didn't know one half of that pairing, but still aldfja. So far, I'm valiantly avoiding looking for any tennis slash, having recently already fallen into the swimmer slash pool headfirst aldkj. But the pretty calls to me! I mean, Nadal's shoulders alone deserve fic.


meloncreme August 30 2008, 11:06:45 UTC
I've been subjected to lots of Nadal/Federer slash. They're pretty much the most popular, too, so D:
There's definitely some Safin/ candy out there which is just oh-so-yummy.

I really miss Andy. I haven't watched any of his matches since he crashed out of Wimby. T_T


idealuk August 30 2008, 09:24:05 UTC
"I can tie my own tie. I'm an adult, Mom!" Van owns. Period.


reeface September 3 2008, 08:22:56 UTC
I fully support this opinion. ♥


sorcha5 August 30 2008, 10:49:21 UTC
I'm a tennis addict so if you have questions about scoring, just ask! There's some really yummy Nadal/Federer photos out there, real photos you just have to add your imagination


reeface September 3 2008, 08:26:54 UTC
Ah! Bless you. Of course I'm blanking right now on just about everything I wanted to ask asdlfaj, but I DO remember one: What does it mean when the scores goes to AD? Like, it'll say AD - Roddick. I'm guessing it's something to do with "deuce" and I know he'll get the point, etc, but darned if I can suss out that "A" part. ;) And thank you for helping!

Considering how hot and sweaty tennis gets, I don't doubt it, hee. Must find. *nods*


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reeface September 3 2008, 08:29:22 UTC
SERIOUSLY. So confusing. Just when I think I've got scoring figured out, it'll do the opposite of what I was expecting. D'oh. Good to know I'm not just slow though. ;D

Oh, god. Those legs! Most times I'm all *mmmmm muscles* and other times some guy's Hulk knees will scare me aldja.


court1429 August 30 2008, 16:45:55 UTC
Trying to figure out how scoring worked gave me a mondo headache (SERIOUSLY WTF, TENNIS, STOP BEING DIFFICULT),

Just remember, it's all about "love," right? ;) Can you tell I've got no clue, either? ;))

And really, watching pretty men and learning about tennis has got to be better than trying to figure out the brain of McCain... ;DDD!!


reeface September 3 2008, 10:22:18 UTC
LOL! You sound like me. Cracks me up everytime the announcer guy is all 15-love. I mean, how in the world did the word "love" get into tennis aldja. *adds to things I need to Google*

Tennis > McCain. Amen. ;D


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