just call me sporty spice tonight

Aug 30, 2008 12:54

Know what helps fight Olympics withdrawal? TENNIS OMG. I've been watching the U.S. Open on and off for the first time in my life. I know of a few names (Federer, Roddick, Nadal, Williams sisters), but that's about it. Trying to figure out how scoring worked gave me a mondo headache (SERIOUSLY WTF, TENNIS, STOP BEING DIFFICULT), but I think I've got it down now after a few days. Well, enough to know when to cheer or groan at the appropriate times anyway, heh.


I'm so giddy! I was rooting for Gulbis and, yeah, he didn't win, bummer, but, wow, did he put up such a good fight! It was so close, omg. Really exciting game! Actually, this was one of those matches where I would've been happy no matter who won. But I still kept wanting someone in the stands to cheer for Ernests like they were for Andy. And for that one annoying guy who kept yelling variations of "ANDAAAAAY!" to shut up.

Also, there needs to be Roddick/Gulbis slash. I do believe a little blowjob comfort for the loser in that lockerroom is definitely in order. *firm nod*

Know what else helps? Michael being adorkable with the YMCA kids, and the one little girl faking that she wasn't a good swimmer so he'd help her, hahaha! Kid after my own heart.

And there's a Galaxy soccer game tomorrow! Mmm, Beckham and Cronin. Becks better play tomorrow. He and Donovan didn't play last week and I was robbed of my soccer eye candy. Plus, y'know, the little fact that they lost. Again. :|

...I have never talked about sports so much in my life. O.o

Oh! Here's something v. not sporty: OMG BIG GIANT VAN AND BILLY BEING SPESHUL WITHOUT WATERMARKS OF EVOL EEEEEEEEE. This one still kills me. Oh, boys, aldjfa.

van the man, soccer, tennis, phelps, soccer: galaxy, beckham

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