Things that make me happy....

May 26, 2009 17:43

Frustrating day at school today.....sometimes it just seems completely unfair that those kids who want to be there, who are trying to do the right thing, who are putting effort into their education have to put up with their teacher spending way too much of her time managing the infantile and completely moronic behaviour of the few...sometimes I ( Read more... )

random real life stuff, happy thoughts

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Comments 2

serenography May 26 2009, 14:56:35 UTC
What a wonderful entry to start my day!

I'm wishing all the best to both your parents - scary, but as you said, also oddly fortunate that they are a match!

Oh, and a found cat! Also, very happy-making. :)


tasabian May 27 2009, 00:29:14 UTC
That's so great that your Dad is a match (though I understand your trepidation about the joint surgery.) It will make your mother's life so much easier.

Hurray for the return of Mojo!

AC/DC are slots of fun in concert - I saw them a few years ago & was hoarse for three days afterwards. Totally worth it.


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