Things that make me happy....

May 26, 2009 17:43

Frustrating day at school today.....sometimes it just seems completely unfair that those kids who want to be there, who are trying to do the right thing, who are putting effort into their education have to put up with their teacher spending way too much of her time managing the infantile and completely moronic behaviour of the few...sometimes I just want to cut those kids loose and go with the NEEDS OF THE MANY OUTWEIGH THE NEEDS OF THE FEW! approach. Yeah I changed it - put in few instead of one but it's still relevant!

*takes a deep soothing calm breath*

ANYWAY....this post is a HAPPY post so here it is:

#1 Pics like this of it just me or is his expression just hinting of naughty?

#2Found out today that the family cat - a chocolate Burmese of mature vintage christened Mojo (by me when I still lived with my parents) - has turned up safe and sound after being AWOL for nearly a month. Honestly I had resigned myself to the sad fact that he wasn't coming back - he'd either been run over or stolen. But today my Mum gets a phone call from a lady one suburb over and two streets down that he is in fact sitting in her driveway right now. He's lost a fair amount of weight but other than that seems fine and he's being very tight lipped about the whole ordeal.

#3 AC/DC Concert tickets!! We're seeing them next year in March at the Subiaco Oval. These two concerts sold out in less than an hour - that's A LOT of tickets! Should be good!

#4 Knowing that my Mum is looking forward to a dialysis free life within the next month. My Dad has turned out to be compatible...and before anyone gives me a funny look apparently there are quite a few measures they can take these days to overcome previous obstacles in cross matching so no THEY ARE NOT RELATED....just incredibly lucky they found each other 36 odd years ago. However, as much as it will be a relief for all of us not to have Mum dialysising FOUR times a day there is definite sense of trepidation at the thought of BOTH my parents going under the knife at the same time. June 15th is the big day.

#5 New Music - Addicted to Poets of the Fall right now and their amazing lyrics and sound. Seriously people you need to check out their albums Carnival of Rust and Revolution Roulette.

#6 READING!!! Of all sorts - Misha Collins' Tweets are hilarious, the Selected Works of TS Spivet is an amazing novel and fics! So many fics that I have read and loved and really should keep records of to recommend here. Must do that.

#7 SPN and SV rewatch. Nothing fixes the hiatus humdrum like rewatches. Currently in S2 SPN rewatch (up to Heart) and am rewatching selected S7 and S8 episodes of SV. LOVE my shows.

random real life stuff, happy thoughts

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