Finales and Birthdays....utterly random post

Jun 04, 2009 22:31

So .... still coming to terms with the SV finale, will get back on that one....I have issues. Ongoing.

I am so far behind on the Clark Kent pic spam meme thing so be prepared for a massive post of gorgeous Tom Welling pics in the near future because I feel that with Tom apparently on INVISIBLE Hiatus we could all do with some Clark Love. Planning to catch up this weekend.

Watched the finale of the Dolhouse tonight. Surprised I stuck with it through 12 episodes really - but they had a few gems in there. They must have figured out the exact rate of episodic positive reinforcement I would need to keep watching. I will be expecting a higher rate of reward next season though - I cut Joss and Co a lot of slack given it was Season One. But the most awesome thing about it is WASH survived!! Yay for Alan Tudyk (playing a deliciously multiple personality disordered psychotic named Alpha) who entered into the last two episodes and made them brilliant!

PS: Anyone got a copy of Beck's version of Everybody's Got To Learn Sometime? Played in the Season finale and I kind of love it.
As I also loved Chris Levy's What You Feel at the end of SV.

I need to go watch Star Trek again - one viewing is simply NOT enough. A friend mentioned IMAX - it'd be worth it I think.

I took a facebook quiz that told me I was really only 14 so I don't feel that grumpy about turning 35. Turning 35 not such a big deal anyway - the idea that I'll be 40 in five years somewhat kind of freaks the hell out of me but I'm banking on the Dollhouse being real by then. KIDDING PEOPLE!!! But if it was - give me Amy Acker over Eliza any day. Twitter has convinced me of this. And carolandtom  deserves a special mention - my first ever LJ virtual gift and it came from you! *HUGS* Thankyou!!

Pleased to learn that Jensen has a dog (has had one by default for two years now via Danneel), think he kept it quiet due to losing all his Manly Macho dog lover credit over the fact that it is a small white fluffy named Icarus that is a Cockapoo (Cocker Spaniel/Poodle cross) that Jared endearingly refers to as "Icky" and Jared's dogs' Sadie and Harley probably refer to as that fluffy midget who thinks he's a Dobermann. Ahhh puppies....and gorgeous boys....WANTS MORE TOM AND HIS DOGS PHOTOS NOW!!!

I faintly trailed after the insanity that was the Asylum Twitter - promptly became overwhelmed by the number of updates and then just tried to find the cute adorable moments about J2 and Misha. The other half has decided (upon perusal of certain photos) that young Mary Winchester (aka Amy Gumenick) is definitely a 'babe'. I kind of agree - but then was pleasantly surprised by how handsome young John Winchester was - Matt Cohen is definitely an interesting person.

Ok gotta get to bed...but I can't resist including one hot Tom pic....and for all you Northern hemisphere-ites hope it's warm enough for this kind of sighting!

Just love the crinkly eyes of a ridiculously good looking guy in his thirties!

various stuff, gratuitous tom photo, random stuff

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