clark kent pic meme - Day 6 and 7 Hourglass and Craving

May 24, 2009 21:18

carolandtom  posted day 6 and 7 so I am counting on her to keep me on the right day here! Here are my chosen caps from Hourglass (although truth be told the Lex's in-the-future screencaps were just as beautiful in that field of sunflowers...well you know, before they all died at the touch of his hand *rolls eyes*) and Craving which guest starred an actress who I suspected might be bound for bigger and better things - Amy Adams.

First Hourglass:

Seriously. STUPIDLY PRETTY green eyes - CANNOT stop staring. I want to know just how many extra takes they have to do, expecially for the guest stars who try to be all professional like but then just completely lose their train of thought (and their lines) when confronted by all the pretty.

And here we have CRAVING.

Yes. Craving. Very apt. I have a craving, hits me every hour or so when I don't get a TW fix. I wonder if the kryptoshakes
would fix them. And also - Jodi was onto a good thing - would have blown Optifast and Xenical out of the water...there's always
Xanax for the mood swings.

clark kent pic meme

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