Life is a funny thing...

Apr 09, 2013 11:19

Some days I feel like I am never going to get to where I am going to because I have too many things to check off my to do list you know?
Click for Padalecki hair, puppies, bastard thieves and chronologicalism )

vid recs, real life, photos, supernatural, jared padalecki, puppies

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Comments 22

amberdreams April 9 2013, 06:57:04 UTC
Your pupsters!!! Looking almost as beautiful as Jared's hair...

and oh! A Kickstarter for a SPN movie! What an awesome idea.

See you soon, only 30 days to go!


redteekal April 9 2013, 09:28:49 UTC
YES!!! OMG it's come round so fast I can't believe it! Getting VERY EXCITED!! :)


ash48 April 9 2013, 11:17:20 UTC
Wow... Post made of win!! (Well, except for the car bit. Man, I'm sorry to hear that happened. What a pain!).

Sam's hair post is AWESOMESAUCE!

Those vids were gorgeous! Loki always blows me away. She keeps doing new things in her vids and they floor me every

Great questions! (I would love to know what it is about Cas and Misha. I'd also love him to give a serious answer - though I suppose he's probably just as confused...;D)

MOVIE!! YES YES! I wonder if the fans could actually make that happen?!

Our day together was fantastic. I so needed to nut a few things out. I am rather all over the place with SPN. I keep wondering what they could do at the end that would make everything come together....(the baby idea has been growing btw. Maybe not killing a baby (teehee) but preventing the baby from being born....dun dun DUUUUNNNNN.

*hugs* Thanks for all the links and the gorgeous pics of the dogs! Congrats to all of them. And you! <33


redteekal April 12 2013, 05:02:41 UTC
I love your icon! Can I steal it please? I need me some Charlie love. Yes I'd like all of the combined power of fandom to start writing the manuscript for a movie. Like NOW. IT MUST BE DONE! I will endeavour to wheedle a serious answer out of him. I will start with - "So your moments of contemplation, for we realise you are a very meditative zen like person who must think deeply on all kinds of matters, what conclusions have you drawn in explanation of this seemingly inexplicable phenomenon that is this overly enthusiastic obsession with you and the character Castiel?" Do you think that will go down all right? ;) LOLLOL


zebra363 April 9 2013, 11:46:04 UTC
Sorry to hear about your break-in. I had that happen twice in two weeks last year. You'll be finding glass in your car for a long time!

I didn't realise so very few dogs get to Spryte's level! Congratuations!


redteekal April 12 2013, 05:07:02 UTC
THANKS!!! She's my little midget wench of a champion and I loves her so! ;) And I say all that in an endearing way of course.


tasabian April 9 2013, 23:13:31 UTC
That's so annoying about your break-in :(

Weren't you going to ask about Tom Welling guesting on SPN at one Con? Still interested in that possibility!

Misha - can you please explain the inordinate levels of obsession surrounding you and your character since joining this show and subsequently this fandom?
Do you think there's a higher level obsession with him than there is with Jensen and Jared? To me, as a casual observer of fandom, it's always seemed like Jensen (and Dean) are at the top of the fan-obsession hierarchy, and have been since S1. I remember being shocked by an early Sam vs Dean poll where Dean got 4x the votes as Sam because I saw them as the joint leads of the show.

(Anyway Misha will thoroughly enjoy the question if you do ask it!)


redteekal April 12 2013, 05:10:55 UTC
OH YES!! Tom Welling. MUST do. *writes it down* Yes Misha has a certain...umm....type of fan following I must say. ;) There are the perfectly normal ones (like for the Js) and then there are the slightly OTT mygodwhatareyouthinking types fans of which there are many amongst fandom however Misha seems to have garnered a slightly in proportionate amount from what I can gather.

And yeah don't get me started on the accolades for Misha as opposed to Jared. ;)

Misha certainly does put himself out there more so maybe that's the reason. *shrugs* WHATEVER! LOL!!


runedgirl April 10 2013, 03:28:17 UTC
oooh, the kickstarter movie question is a fabulous idea! Also, your dogs are just breathtakingly gorgeous :)

(So sorry about the vandalism, argh...)


redteekal April 12 2013, 05:18:11 UTC
Thanks! I hope it really happens one day because I think that would be BRILLIANT! :) Yeah smashed car windows such big time. So bloody inconvenient. Oy the ferals. They are everywhere. Oh well could have been much worse so I'm grateful for that :)


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