Life is a funny thing...

Apr 09, 2013 11:19

Some days I feel like I am never going to get to where I am going to because I have too many things to check off my to do list you know?

But then shit happens and I become all very contemplative, zen, introspective 38 year old and I am totally okay with it all because you know what? You can only do what you can do at that moment, in that place, right then. All the other stuff? It will all still be there when you're done or it won't. And I like it when I get to that moment where nothing phases me any longer.

It's all very interesting to no one else but me I'm sure.

Here's an update of me in backwards chronologicalism:

I watched this:
dean & sammy • crystallize

image Click to view

And loved it...such a GREAT Sam and Dean vid.

Then was twitter linked to this page:

The Evolution Of Jared Padalecki's Hair

The intense evolution of Jared Padalecki's hair from 2002-2013.

posted on April 7, 2013 at 9:41pm EDT

alwaysadrienne Community Contributor 1. The Disney-Channel-Heartthrob.

2. The Straight-Down-The-Middle.

3. The I'm-Adorable.

4. The Curl-Behind-The-Ears.

5. The Farrah-Fawcett.

6. The Can-I-Borrow-A-Brush.

7. The How-About-Some-Pointed-Sideburns.

8. The It-Keeps-My-Neck-Warm.

9. The...Wait, what hair?

10. The Oh-Hey-There-Mutton-Chops.

11. The I-Don't-Own-Scissors.

Via: glamour.com12. The...I just give up.

Which is definitely what I needed after this...

This was all before I took the dogs for a run at one of the nearby parks this morning and came back to this:

Undriveable of course. So very nervously limped home and am now in the middle of insurance claims, police reports and window repairers coming out. Nothing of huge value stolen. But have now had to take a day from work to sort it out. Little bastards. Literally happened within the 45 minutes or so I was there. And so now I keep going back to the Evolution of Padalecki hair because it soothes me so.

This morning my sister took off for Europe and I meet her in 30 days for JIB4. Where I will indeed ask questions of all the cast as we have Prophet Passes and so you get M&G with them all. So far I have:
Misha - can you please explain the inordinate levels of obsession surrounding you and your character since joining this show and subsequently this fandom?
Jensen - When exactly was the Men of Letters BatCave conceived? ie BEFORE or AFTER they destroyed the Bobby set?
Jared - Clif once described a bad day on set as Jared not getting to work out and not getting enough food...what would Jensen's bad day on set look like?
And to all of them - this fandom is more than likely very capable of a Kickstarter project to get a Supernatural movie happening - would you all be in that?

There has been much eventing with the dogs as of late and this little girl named Spryte:

Who is now 6 and looks like this:

Is finally an AGILITY CHAMPION! HOORAY!!! Gaining her last pass needed (you need at least 100 in the top level of competition and because of her number of first places she did it in 40). There are probably a grand total of about 13 dogs in the state that have this title. So that was delightful and also at one of our bigger events of the year the Western Classic.

This little man here who is her grandson:

Is now 7 months old and had his first dog show where he did very well! Colt aka Winpara Weapon Ov Choice (yes like THE gun) is now looking like this:

His mother Savvy has also done well of late in the show ring and in the agility :) Winning Best of Breed at one show and winning in Excellent Jumping the week before.
She is looking like this recently :)

Amazing to see when you know they were just like this not so long ago:

So some exciting times with the puppies coming up - our State Championships are in two weeks and then two weeks after that I am off to Rome and then SPAIN, after picking my dog up from the UK named Stig
- you can see her here: Darleyfalls I'm The Stig

We are competing at the World Agility Open Championships in a whirlwind tour that sees me driving from Heathrow to Derby to Folkestone (Eurotunnel crossing) then from Calais through France and into Spain!

This is all in between working full time as an English teacher and getting the kids ready for our National Testing week.

Loved the last episode of Supernatural 8x19 Taxi Driver which helped with the meh feeling from 8x18 and Freaks and Geeks (I didn't dislike it but I was definitely lukewarm on it). Although having a fangirl day with the show definitely helped thanks heaps to ash48 and zebra363 for a FANTASTIC day. I love being able to just engage in such meta discussions and enjoying a laugh and a cry over our show. I cherish them I really do :) These really are the good old days for me. We have decided to dub Season 8 version 1 and Season 8 version 2 for it seems to us there is a definite difference between Version 1 (8x01 to 8.10) and Version 2 (8x11 onwards) :)

Also watched this in the last week - secretlytodream aka loki does it again.

image Click to view

Four Letter Words - A Sam and Dean vid.
Just GAH!!

My god I love this show and it's fandom so hard :)

And this post is now getting too long so I shall end it here. It may look like I haven't been around much but I do check in to my flist regularly and read up about you all even if I don't comment always.

Feel free to comment away with any questions you may like to put to the guys and especially to Ty even as it will be my first time meeting him :)

vid recs, real life, photos, supernatural, jared padalecki, puppies

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