Haven Spy AU

Jan 11, 2011 15:30

Diana Crocker is many things. Dangerous and lethal are at the top of the list. Her fluid morality makes this the perfect profession for her. She sees the world painted in shades of gray and has her own moral compass to guide her. It's not always what you would expect.

The neglected lonely little girl Nathan Wuornos knew growing up doesn't exist anymore other than in glimpses in brown eyes. It's why he chose this mission. He needed to see for hismelf. Diana isn't the enemy. She just plays by different rules.

Nathan can see the surprise in her before it's masked by bland neutrality. They both have roles to aply in this dance and it looks like that's the only way Diana will play. "Ms. Monroe, I see you live up to your reputation. You look beautiful tonight."

"You're not too bad yourself, Mr. Douglas." She seats herself at the table and smoothes her hands over the red silk of her dress.

They're both being watched and while they're not miked they're still being listened to. Nathan picks up his menu and scans the selections. He'll need to slip his detail to talk to Diana alone. He wants to turn her to their side or at least his.

Their pasts aren't common knowledge. Spies tend to erase all ties when possible and Haven, Maine doesn't hold the best memories for either of them. It's also the least likely place two spies would ever come from but between Garland Wuornos' connections and the Crocker nomadic lifestyle they both ended up sucked in.

Dinner is dinner. They make bland small talk like two strangers on a blind date. They walk away from the table arm in arm like the script says but Nathan can't help but think of a time when Diana wasn't tense against him, when it was new and perfect and everything in their world.

He wonders if she knew back then or if it was more words that lay unspoken between them. They walk out nto the starlit wooded paths until they're both pretty sure they're on their own.



"Never figured you for a spy."

Nathan shrugs. Life has a funny way of throwing you into the thing you least expect. "Never figured you for one either."

"So what's this deal all about? This wining and dining schtick is odd."

"Just part of the cover."
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