Stargate SG-1 fic, The Parting Glass, Gen

Jan 20, 2009 21:43

This is totally unbeta'd and rough around the edges, but I saw just saw the redial_the_gate post on The First Ones, and couldn't resist the lemminglike urge to post my episode tag, which has languished on my hard drive, lo these many years. Fair warning, I'm quite likely to revise it when I get a round tuit.

The Parting Glass )


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Comments 22

samantilles January 21 2009, 03:39:55 UTC
This is quite a different take on the return from 888--I loved Daniel's snarkiness about getting to the MRI and I absolutely adored Robert's response to working for Daniel!!


sg_betty January 21 2009, 03:41:19 UTC
That was extremely moving.
Oh, Daniel...
Oh, SGC...
Oh, Abydos...
So many dead.


sg_fignewton January 21 2009, 06:35:03 UTC
Ah, Redbyrd.

Oh, Daniel.

Beautifully heartbreaking. Thanks for this one.

(And loved Rothman asking after bagels...)


aurora_novarum January 21 2009, 16:47:50 UTC
Adore Daniel remembering Rothman's arrival at the SGC, and aw, Daniel realizing the full nature of the mission and how hard it finally hits him.


aelfgyfu_mead January 21 2009, 23:55:12 UTC
I really like this. I've read a few too many post-"First Ones" fics and got rather tired of the "Daniel's a Goa'uld, let's tie his damaged wrists again" trope, which worked fine in almost any one story, but got to be rather a cliché. I much prefer Sam's logic, that he ought to have healed if he'd been snaked. Of course they'd still be cautious, but there's cautious, and then there's hitting a guy when he's down.

Daniel at the (unofficial) wake is almost too painful.

I do think this one merits revision! (Nuts, I need a round TUIT icon, but I really don't have time to make it tonight.)

(I think "Here, here" should be "Hear, hear".)


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