Breaking New Ground Epilogue: Bedrosia

Oct 29, 2008 19:25

This picks up a few days after the end of New Ground, and is in continuity with my fic Breaking New Ground, a Nyan-POV missing scenes piece for SG-1 Season 3 New Ground. In the episode recap comments on redial_the_gate, there was discussion of what happened to Nyan's friends after he came to Earth. As it happens, I Can Explain This! However, this relies ( Read more... )


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Comments 10

aelfgyfu_mead October 30 2008, 01:28:13 UTC
How very sad! I suppose it could have been worse, but Callin! It does seem the logical extension of what we saw in the episode, though, and it picks up some of the threads of your earlier story. The future seems bleak for them as well.

At least Nyan got out....

Did they ever mention this planet when they were talking about the Ori? They wouldn't have, would they? I wonder what happened then.


redbyrd_sgfic October 30 2008, 10:43:22 UTC
It's not quite as hopeless as it appears here. Callin has a stroke, of course, but Bedrosia has earth-level medical tech at least. He's going to recover. And poor Malin- she's not in great shape either, but she improves and is in the next story too (though I'm not sure that being in one of my stories is *necessarily* a good thing from the character's POV!. I've been stuck at the 'thrashing-through-the-jungle-looking-for-the-plot' stage for a while tho ( ... )


aelfgyfu_mead November 1 2008, 00:46:27 UTC
So there will be more fic! Yay!

Yeah, I'd been thinking Earth wouldn't even know if the Ori had gone there. Unless, of course, after all the dust clears, a new regime there unburies the Gate....


jlbarnett December 25 2008, 02:59:34 UTC
There are people out there who'd probably know what planets the Ori went too.


aurora_novarum October 30 2008, 02:22:40 UTC
YOU FINALLY FINISHED IT?! OMG! I'm so excited! I remember you working on long ago! I've been looking forward to you playing with this idea more for so long! gives me hope for my own WIPs!

Horray! and Congratulations...and I'll stop typing so I can finally *read* the story. :-D


aurora_novarum October 30 2008, 02:29:13 UTC
Okay, so this is really just a scene from the story, but whee! It's so cool. I just love how real you're making all the diverse culture of Bedrosia and Optrica.

Why aren't there more fics about this episode? There's so much fodder with world building and whumping team bonding!


redbyrd_sgfic October 30 2008, 10:32:28 UTC
Sorry, Aurora- didn't mean to get your hopes up. This is- well, pretty much all of the fic that's 'finished'. It really hasn't moved since you last saw it. There are a few more pages of partial dialogue, and a couple more of notes saying things like 'Optrican culture?????' and 'need cool descriptions of Hidden City dig' and other similarly un-useful stuff.

Of course now pulling this back out and re-reading it, has all that stuff back in my forebrain, so who knows?

As to why it's not heavily ficced- well, I suspect we can put that down to it being a Teal'c episode. I've noticed that fan writers are often influenced by the POV of the episode. Also there is no good rhyme for "the team that is zapped together...." *g*


a_phoenixdragon December 27 2008, 07:51:49 UTC
Poor dears!! This was interesting - and was probably very close, if not exactly what DID happen!! Those poor people!! Such a shock to their lives...



redbyrd_sgfic December 28 2008, 01:40:14 UTC
Indeed- the interesting thing for me here was to try and figure out a society that could have produced someone like Nyan, and yet was restrictive enough to account for the events of the episode.

If I ever get the plot sorted out, there'll be a 'Nyan returns to Bedrosia' story...


a_phoenixdragon December 28 2008, 02:04:51 UTC
Ohhh!! I'll be looking forward to it - if it comes, lol!



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