
Jun 28, 2011 23:18

So this week has been pretty awful - hahahaha it's only Tuesday :( - for reasons mostly related to my difficulty coping with news of natural disasters under any circumstances being exacerbated by the forest fires in New Mexico that are currently threatening places I love very, very much, which basically means that I have been failing pretty ( Read more... )

new mexico, hooraythecobra, wicked, true_blood

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Comments 7

quirkytaverna June 29 2011, 08:49:18 UTC
If I can EVER see Wicked without crying about halfway through Defying Gravity or sobbing through For Good (every. fucking. time) then I will have beat my Wicked weakness. But I don't see it happening. Did you see Jackie Burns at Elphaba? I can't keep the actresses straight for either role anymore!

And <333 for you. I hope the week gets better as it goes on.


redbrickrose July 2 2011, 05:40:56 UTC
Oh, yeah, that's me too. I was impressed with myself that I made it to Defying Gravity before I started crying, and For Good gets me every. time. but I think in that case it's the show itself, but also because it reminds me really intensely of a specific friendship that shaped me and that I did lose and that I was right in the middle of when I fell in love with Wicked to being with.

Dee Roscioli as Elphaba and Amanda Jane Cooper as Glinda. I can't keep them straight anymore either, especially for the traveling troup.

<333 It did, to a certain extent. I talked myself out of the panic I was feeling early in the week, at any rate. Mostly I'm just glad it's a long weekend now.


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redbrickrose July 2 2011, 05:41:29 UTC
It's just so...sweet. Which is actually weird for them! But w/e, I'm not complaining about it. :)


inlovewithnight June 29 2011, 12:53:58 UTC
::all of the hugs::


redbrickrose July 2 2011, 05:41:59 UTC
*hugs tight* I really appreciate you, bb.


harborshore July 5 2011, 21:39:15 UTC
I don't have a whole lot to say except HUGS okay hugs. ♥


redbrickrose July 11 2011, 04:16:18 UTC
*hugs* Thank you, bb. ♥

It was...bad for awhile there. I forget how bad it can get until it's happening. I'm doing much better now, though. ♥


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