(no subject)

Jun 28, 2011 23:18

So this week has been pretty awful - hahahaha it's only Tuesday :( - for reasons mostly related to my difficulty coping with news of natural disasters under any circumstances being exacerbated by the forest fires in New Mexico that are currently threatening places I love very, very much, which basically means that I have been failing pretty spectacularly to keep my shit together for the last few days. I'm just not good with that shit ever, and a whole lot of the failing to cope has been happening at work and that has...really not been good. I'm okay at the moment, I think, better than I was earlier anyway, and better than yesterday, but still kind of anxious and freaked out.

Ugh, anyway, here are some things that are not awful:

1) The new Cobra Starship video! It's just so....cute. It feels gentler than most of their stuff, in a way. I'm not sure if that's quite the right word, but yeah, something like that. And Sabi is the *most* adorable. I WANT the new album, and don't want to wait until the end of August.

Tags: Cobra Starship, Music, More Music Videos

2) I saw Wicked at The Kennedy Center on Sunday. Always one of my favorites. The music makes me cry every time, I love that it's basically fanfic anyway, and Glinda/Elphaba is the pairing dynamic of my heart. I also went through that whole phase where I was really obsessed a couple of years ago when Idina Menzel/Kristin Chenowith was my original RPF OTP. This Glinda and Elphaba were fantastic too. I wasn't as impressed with the dude playing Fiyero, but Fiyero isn't really the point, so whatever. I went with people who hadn't seen it before and didn't even know it well, and they really, really liked it, and it was that vicarious fannish thrill of sharing that THING YOU LOVE with people who don't know it and having them appreciate it, even if not in the fully fannish way.

3) I am currently watching the new season of True Blood. It's...actually kind of awful, but only in that truly delightful, brain candy way that True Blood so often is. And Rutina Wesley should call me.

I'm behind, as always lately. I have so much fic open in tabs, it's ridiculous. It's not you, it's me. I feel like I just haven't had time to slow down at all the last few weeks, and when I do get a moment, I use it to play Halo (kind of badly). Throwing fragmentation grenades at swarms of aliens: actually super satisfying. Who knew? I figured out how to play first person shooters without getting constantly motion sick and a whole new world opened up.

How are you all? <3

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new mexico, hooraythecobra, wicked, true_blood

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