
Jan 25, 2011 16:52

Ugh, flist, I haven't updated in almost two weeks now and I kind of have fannish thoughts, but they mostly boil down to Black Cards is great and The Like is great and Panic! at the Disco is great (which surprises me honestly because I remain bitter and neurotic but that Brendon interview was adorable and also w/e I *always* liked the Fever sound ( Read more... )

blackcards, patd, sarahconnorchronicles, thelike

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Comments 9

empresspatti January 25 2011, 22:22:21 UTC
I have the exact same thing - for the second time in 10 days. I might turn into a couch, I spend so my time lying on one....

Hope you feel better soon.


redbrickrose January 26 2011, 01:52:19 UTC
Everybody seems to have it! It's awful. I hope you feel better soon too!


inlovewithnight January 25 2011, 22:29:51 UTC
Black Cards. ::draws dozens of hearts::

Feel better soon, bb!


redbrickrose January 26 2011, 01:53:46 UTC
♥ ♥ ♥ I couldn't even remember how many shows we were going to. I just kept agreeing to all of your emails. :)

Thanks, bb.


harborshore January 25 2011, 22:29:52 UTC
Feel better, bb! *hugs carefully, provides peppermint tea with honey*

I am so endlessly endeared by that interview. "Playing around with verbiage," you big dork. I was very nervous about this album, but this is such a promising start! It's all sharp and catchy and the lyrics are good too!

Yeah, I'm not too coherent either. This mild insomnia thing plays merry hell with my ability to sound normal.

But yes, Panic and The Like, absolutely, and should I listen to Black Cards? I haven't yet because new music takes me forever to get around to listen to (this is why the 30-second song clip strategy is amazing, because I can do that).


redbrickrose January 26 2011, 01:56:12 UTC
Thank you! *hugs*

I was nervous too, and I'm super neurotic about the whole situation, but I definitely like what I've head so far.

Yes! You should definitely listen to the Black Cards! They're a lot of funny and Bebe is AWESOME.


egelantier January 25 2011, 23:11:37 UTC
i hope you'll feel better soon, bb ♥

i'm unexpectedly happy with panic's new song and even happier (even more unexpectedly) with the new interview and therefore feel pretty good about bandom. also, on topic of post-split ryan/brendon, um. wow.


redbrickrose January 26 2011, 01:57:19 UTC
Thanks, sweetie. ♥

I'm feeling pretty good about it too - much better than I expected to be. :)

I haven't read that one! Awesome, thanks.


spiderwebb January 26 2011, 14:34:12 UTC
Ugh, I hope you feel better soon! <3<3


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