
Dec 05, 2010 02:55

Hi Flist,

This week was...a week. And I really haven't been around a whole bunch, but! It is the time of year for my Christmas Alien Streetlight icon again, so I thought I would share it with you all. Oh, hometown, you are so adorable from a distance.

(Oh, but in all seriousness, all I want is to go to New Mexico for Christmas. Not Roswell, ' ( Read more... )

new mexico, thelike, btvs/ats

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Comments 6

natacup82 December 5 2010, 13:40:53 UTC
Right now I'm stuck on what would happen if slayer's were still being called in the normal way and Santana Lopez was a slayer. Because that would be both awesome and hilarious.


redbrickrose December 7 2010, 00:36:35 UTC
Santana as a slayer would be amazing. She would be so unimpressed, except she would probably be pretty into the part where she has super powers. :)


seraphcelene December 5 2010, 19:03:30 UTC
I am SO glad that you love the idea of Jurnee Smollett as Darla. :)

The casting for the re-boot (I feel so ridiculous writing re-boot cause, really?) is arguably based on the Kristy Swanson movie and not the TV show, so that should make things ... interesting ... and me that much less likely to go see it. I didn't even watch the first two seasons of the TV show because I thought that making that movie into a TV show was such a terrible idea. But ... who knows. I'm curious. Do they stick with the movie formula or switch to the TV show formula. I have been avoiding the news, so ... *shrug*


redbrickrose December 7 2010, 00:38:51 UTC
I love it so much. She'd be amazing. :)

Oh that interesting. I thought it was supposed to be based more on the TV show. Huh. I'm not opposed in theory, but I am skeptical.


blindmouse December 8 2010, 08:54:21 UTC
Charlotte's voice is just kind of darling in that song. Thank you for the link ♥


redbrickrose December 9 2010, 03:40:15 UTC
You're welcome! ♥


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