(no subject)

Dec 05, 2010 02:55

Hi Flist,

This week was...a week. And I really haven't been around a whole bunch, but! It is the time of year for my Christmas Alien Streetlight icon again, so I thought I would share it with you all. Oh, hometown, you are so adorable from a distance.

(Oh, but in all seriousness, all I want is to go to New Mexico for Christmas. Not Roswell, 'cause I don't ever really want to go there, but New Mexico somewhere, high desert and luminarias and lights on pine trees everywhere you look and the way the air is dry and crisp and cold in your lungs and homehomehome. I will go to Birmingham and see my family and that will be wonderful and lovely, but *sighsigh* Santa Fe, I miss you.)

Anyway, you all may have seen this, but just in case - here is a holiday song that turned up in my The Like google alerts: Stay In by Army Navy featuring Charlotte Froom. I don't think I've heard Charlotte singing lead on anything else before. I like her voice. She sounds kind of untrained here, but honestly, so did Z early on and they do say this song is a couple of years old. I would be interested to hear her now.


On an unrelated fannish note, I'm assuming everyone as seen penny_lane_42's Buffy the Vampire Slayer Race!Swap casting, but in the interest of closing tabs I've had open for days, let's talk about that for a minute. I *wish* the reboot casting was going to be anywhere near this interesting. There's a lot of really great ideas there, and people that I feel would be just spot on, but the one that was just jaw-dropping perfection for *me* was Naya Rivera as Faith. Oh my God, all I want in the wooooorld. (<- This post was largely an excuse to dwell on this idea further and in public. I am sure you are all shocked).

And then I went over to seraphcelene's journal where she had a few alternate suggestions and *she* suggested Jurnee Smollett as Darla, and oh wow, that would never have occurred to me, but how amazing would she be in that role? Darla's obviously a character I feel strongly about , and I wasn't quite on board with the other alternate casting, and I couldn't even think who I would be happy with until I read that but I am 100% sold on the idea of Jurnee. I was kind of bitter when Friday Night Lights didn't end at the end of season 3 because I thought it was such a perfect ending and I didn't know if I trusted them 1) not to fuck it up and 2) to come up with an equally satisfactory ending when the show ended for real. Jurnee was definitely a major part of getting me over that bitterness in season 4. I adore her; she's fantastic on FNL and she would knock Darla out of the park. She's got that sweetness that the role really needs for Darla to reach her creepy, fucked up, tragic potential, and she's got the chops to pull off that sweetness all twisted up. Want.

And now I am wondering about how the reboot casting is *actually* going to go - and which characters are even going to make it in.

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new mexico, thelike, btvs/ats

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