
Mar 30, 2009 16:24

I am at a coffee shop attempting to be productive. And failing. School is hard. :(

Unrelatedly, does Dollhouse have a newsletter yet?

Also, does Kings have a newsletter yet? That show pleases me. I hope David grows on me because right now he does nothing for me except in relationship to Jackathan and Michelle, but that's actually kind of ( Read more... )

fannish_history, kings, dollhouse, fangirling_lestat, x-files, btvs/ats, recovering x-phile, farscape

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Comments 12

kita0610 March 30 2009, 22:37:29 UTC
Once again, I am at odds with popular fandom! Jack and Michelle bore me. I love David.

I have no rational around AtS/Angel in any shape or form. But you knew that.



redbrickrose March 30 2009, 22:45:18 UTC

Hee, yes, I did know that. :)

Have I fallen in with the popular fandom opinion? I did not know that because I haven't been paying that much attention to the fandom as a whole, but I have to say that it does not surprise me re: Jack. He is after all pretty and (canonically) gay and easily woobified. But he also resonates with me more than any other character. I really like Michelle too, though that like is exacerbated by the fact that I have apparently developed a huge crush on Allison Miller.

Right now I like David fine but I'm just not connecting to him except in his relationships with the other two. But I kind of do expect that to change as we get further into the story.


kita0610 March 30 2009, 22:49:07 UTC
Yes, everyone loves Jack bc he is gay and cries pretty. Which is fine. I just never had much use for the bad boy. I do admit that I love David pretty much well, bc he's DAVID and I would probably love anyone in that role at this point. I just hope he does a good job when he gets to be the bastard I really love. Well, also that the fucking show doesn't get cancelled before then.


redbrickrose March 30 2009, 22:53:32 UTC
Ahh, fair enough. I have SO MUCH use for the bad boy. ;) And he does cry really pretty.

I just hope he does a good job when he gets to be the bastard I really love.

Yes, this. I'm pretty sure I'll love him a lot when we get to that point. (If, as you say, the show makes it. *fingers crossed*)


netweight March 30 2009, 22:59:37 UTC
NFA for the win. Or for the lose, in this case. Which you knew because we have discussed it abundantly. I don't know whether I can be rational about it or not because I just STOPPED thinking about it. Though not so long ago I was zapping through channels and caught part of some AtS season 5 episode and watched just enough to go "... yeaaaah, and then NFA came along and fucked everything" and continued zapping. So I guess that answers the question over whether I can be rational about it or not.

Actually the fact that I am commenting to answer your question even though I *moved on* is a pretty good indication right there. (But I did catch one season 4 episode and one season 2 episode after that and watched both and thought "yeah, this was such good show and I really did love it" so yes, it's just season 5. Thanks, Joss, thanks. -.-)


redbrickrose March 30 2009, 23:03:50 UTC
For me, it's not even season 5. I like season 5. It is just NFA. ;____;

And I will probably never be rational about it.


netweight March 30 2009, 23:15:10 UTC
I liked season 5 *until* NFA. But then it was like... it tainted everything. Season 5 especially, but... it's been what? 4 years? And I haven't rewatched the show since. At this point, I could probably rewatch, especially season 4, which was brilliant, but... yeaaaaaah. IDK. Did I mention I moved on?

Also, since you asked for it. Kara/Lee. No. Just *no*.


redbrickrose March 30 2009, 23:19:17 UTC
Five years in May. D:

Awww, I love Kara/Lee. But fair enough; we all have our beloved-by-fandom-pairings that we wish would just STOP. (HELLO WINCEST. *twitch* That hasn't reached Scott-and-Jean level or anything for me, though. If it had, I would never be able to handle SPN fandom).


inlovewithnight March 30 2009, 23:50:01 UTC
I love Jack and Michelle. I want to write complicated sibling-fic.

I love Samuels, too.


redbrickrose March 31 2009, 00:29:54 UTC
Oh, yeah. I really enjoy Samuels. I hope we get more about his background/motivations soon.

Ooooo, you should totally write complicated sibling-fic. I would read that.


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