(no subject)

Mar 30, 2009 16:24

I am at a coffee shop attempting to be productive. And failing. School is hard. :(

Unrelatedly, does Dollhouse have a newsletter yet?

Also, does Kings have a newsletter yet? That show pleases me. I hope David grows on me because right now he does nothing for me except in relationship to Jackathan and Michelle, but that's actually kind of okay given that I want to draw hearts forever around Jack and Michelle. ♥ ♥ ♥

Today inlovewithnight linked to Nerd Alert hosting a blog carnival with the theme "What's Your Scott and Jean" meaning: my geek sacred cow, the one topic I cannot discuss rationally because it makes me too insane/angry/scary-eyed.

So I've been thinking about that for a good deal of the afternoon - actually, I was thinking about that the other day, though admittedly not in those terms. I was recently kind of shaken by the realization that EVERY TELEVISION SHOW I HAVE EVER REALLY LOVED HAS HURT ME except Friday Night Lights so far and also with the possible exception of Farscape but even there there's the Sikozu Issue keeping it from being completely emotionally satisfying. The Sikozu Issue might even go on my Scott and Jean list, though it would be pretty far down after "Not Fade Away" (which is without a doubt number one), the end of The Vampire Chronicles (I just read the wikipedia entry for Blood Canticle and had blind rage) and The X-Files as a whole.

What are your issues, flist?

fannish_history, kings, dollhouse, fangirling_lestat, x-files, btvs/ats, recovering x-phile, farscape

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