
Dec 19, 2008 02:02

Triumph! If by "triumph" one means "finished" and oh, I do. Emailed to professor and everything ( Read more... )

my neuroses: let me show you them, new orleans, academia

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Comments 17

lycomingst December 19 2008, 08:01:43 UTC
Congratulations on reaching the finishing line. I have no doubt you did well. And no moving!!? Yay!


redbrickrose December 19 2008, 08:15:50 UTC
Thank you! And you have more confidence than I do, but I'm just glad I'm done. *g*

Not moving is absolutely a relief. That was getting so old.


inlovewithnight December 19 2008, 12:48:14 UTC
Ooh, where is Were The World Mine playing? I'm not used to living in a place where you actually GET those movies!


redbrickrose December 19 2008, 19:35:21 UTC
It was at E Street Cinema, but it's not there today because the movies changed. :( I'm trying to see if it's playing anywhere else in DC, but it doesn't look like it is. Sadness! I was really looking forward to that one. It was only there about a week.


meggawho December 19 2008, 14:27:07 UTC
Yay for being done!


redbrickrose December 19 2008, 19:35:59 UTC
\o/ \o/ \o/


exsequar December 19 2008, 14:53:03 UTC
Congratulations honey! *tosses confetti* Good on you, seriously. <3

(Also, Buffy/Faith nomg.)


redbrickrose December 19 2008, 19:36:48 UTC
Thank you!

(And yes, maybe. I'm working on the prequel to the A/B/S/F/ foursome fic I wrote last year. I just have NO IDEA how long it's going to take).


executorvs December 19 2008, 17:25:00 UTC
here!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!! *does a little dance*


redbrickrose December 19 2008, 19:38:06 UTC
Probably! It will be great to see you guys!


executorvs December 19 2008, 20:08:33 UTC
you could bring your laptop collection here while you're at it. I could probably reOS all of them simultaneously and be done in like an hour.


redbrickrose December 19 2008, 20:17:59 UTC
I'm not bringing the Toshiba. I haven't decided whether or not I'm bringing the Dell, though I probably should. It's *such* a mess. I'll have the Mac, but I'm not sure I want Ubuntu on it also or not. I need to figure out the virtual desktop thing.


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