Help me waste my time!

Nov 12, 2008 00:25

It's 12:30; I have a paper that I ought to have a solid draft of by the end of the night. This is looking less and less likely by the second. Luckily the paper involves Pete Wentz? IDK, it's on celebrity construction of narrative so it SEEMED LOGICAL AT THE TIME but now I'm sort of remembering why my hobby shouldn't be my job ( Read more... )

pushing daisies, my neuroses: let me show you them, academia

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Comments 18

inlovewithnight November 12 2008, 06:00:56 UTC
Man, every time you mention your coursework I end up gawking at the screen and making embarrassing grabby hands. ::sigh:: I STUDIED THE WRONG FIELD, WOE.


redbrickrose November 12 2008, 06:04:45 UTC
The coursework is cool, definitely, but see, you have a plan and career goals and a degree that will allegedly help you reach them. I don't want to teach. What am I going to do with this degree? NO ONE KNOWS.


inlovewithnight November 12 2008, 06:06:07 UTC
You could be a critic! Or join forces with Pete Wentz and help him perfect his Machiavellian schemes.


redbrickrose November 12 2008, 06:08:52 UTC
I like the critic idea. I just want someone to pay me to sit around and do close textual analysis of television shows. IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?

If I ever had to interact with Pete Wentz I'm not sure I could keep myself from discussing in great detail the gay porn I read about him. I would TRY, but it's probably better to just not take the risk. *g*


Pushing Daisies parallactic November 12 2008, 08:15:29 UTC
I like Pushing Daisies better than Wonderfalls, because PD is so morbid in a bright candy coated way.

Because they have one as evidenced by Chuck showing up wrapped only in a comforter. But they CAN'T TOUCH. Oh god, yes. I like the type of porn where the couple has to rethink how to do sex and intimacy, because of certain limitations. It's the care, consideration, and creativity (or exploration). Chuck and Ned would have that in spades, because Chuck's unlife depends on it. Any skin to skin contact will off Chuck permanently, and then Ned would be a necrophiliac in the traditional icky sense, instead of the Pushing Daisies reunited childhood sweethearts sense ( ... )


Re: Pushing Daisies redbrickrose November 13 2008, 16:03:38 UTC
I enjoy the candy coated morbidity, definitely. I was just in love with Wonderfalls and I liked the characters better. That's not to say that I don't like the characters on PD as well, because I really do, but they don't resonate with me the same way that the WF characters did. I enjoy PD, but I don't think I'll ever really be fannish about it. I think I could have been about WF.

I haven't really gone looking either, but I'm sure it exists. It has to, right? In my head they started out having bad, fumbling sex and then slowly got the hang of it.

I really enjoy PD because there's just so much going on there below the surface. When I try to describe the show to people who haven't seen it, they just look at me like I'm crazy because it really sounds like it shouldn't work. But it really, really works.


Re: Pushing Daisies parallactic November 14 2008, 08:44:07 UTC
I think WF was so short I didn't have time to get attached, and it didn't have that candy coated morbid flavor that I'm drawn to.

PD is probably the only show where I'm that interested in the logistics of sex between the characters.

PD is such a good show with good characters, gorgeous visuals, and good writing. I like the word play, and that the show is about adorkable, eccentric people. It can tackle dark subjects but doesn't let it weigh it down. Writing this made me realize how much the show's about still being affected by loss and bereavement, the subsequent attachment issues, maladjusted people--and starting anew.


Re: Pushing Daisies redbrickrose November 16 2008, 05:31:22 UTC
PD is probably the only show where I'm that interested in the logistics of sex between the characters.

I wouldn't have put it that way, but me too, actually. I generally get kind of bored with porn in fan fiction. If it's really well-written or tells me something about the characters that the surrounding action doesn't, then cool. Otherwise, I'm as likely to skim it as not. But if I read PD fic, I would totally always read the porn - mostly because it couldn't avoid telling you something about the characters that the surrounding action doesn't. Even a pwp would have some kind of plot just by default.

The candy-coated morbidity is what I love about that show. It can get so dark below the surface, but it is always below the surface. And I think you're absolutely right about what drives it. There's so much interesting stuff going on there, but you kind of have to dig for it, which is what makes it so compelling.


femmenerd November 12 2008, 13:09:21 UTC


redbrickrose November 13 2008, 16:04:37 UTC
*clings* There is too much to do! But I feel kind of bad whining to you; you've got even more going on.

Edit: which is not to say I don't welcome the support! How are you doing?


femmenerd November 13 2008, 18:48:36 UTC
Oh, it's okay. I mean, I was probably just as stressed for different reasons my first year (the newness, etc.). And it's like you build up more of a tolerance or something - I never would have imagined that I could do as much as I am now before. Which, er, doesn't sound particularly hopeful, does it?

Actually, right now though I'm doing pretty well. This has largely to do with having a better idea of what my dissertation is going to be about. Also possibly, happy drugs. :P


redbrickrose November 16 2008, 05:37:58 UTC
Well, it definitely helps to hear that one can build a tolerance. I honestly do think I'll feel better after I have on semester under my belt, though. Then I will have proven to myself, at least briefly, that I, uh, do deserve to be here, because I don't always feel like it.

Glad to hear that things are going well with you! <3


a2zmom November 12 2008, 14:34:57 UTC
I love PD. And I have never though about PD porn, but I think you are absolutely correct.

And I will kill everyone at ABC if they cancel it simply to force Bryan Fuller to work on the vestly inferior and sucky Heroes.


redbrickrose November 13 2008, 16:05:54 UTC
Mostly when I think about PD, I think about the porn potential.

I haven't even watched Heroes this season at all, but I have not heard good things.


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