
Apr 06, 2008 18:46

Once again my internet was down all weekend. Hello flist! How are you?

So who wants to talk about Friday night television?

Between BSG and Torchwood, I still don't know what to do with myself.

torchwood, bsg

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Comments 19

likeadeuce April 7 2008, 00:20:48 UTC
I enjoyed BSG! I don't have a lot of deep things to say about it, but it was fun to watch and I'm anticipating next week.


redbrickrose April 7 2008, 04:05:34 UTC
I feel much the same way. I was like OMGMYSHOW!!! and I was so glad to have it back that I sort of forgot to pay analytical attention to, well, anything. I am interested to see how they resolve everything though. I am ready to know who the final cylon is!


kita0610 April 7 2008, 00:32:56 UTC
TW: *still crying*


redbrickrose April 7 2008, 04:07:19 UTC
Gah. I know. Way to break my heart, Torchwood. I sort of expected Owen with his zombieness and everything. I'm not saying I'm thrilled about it, but it made sense. BUT TOSH TOO? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. At least they had good deaths?


kita0610 April 7 2008, 04:14:02 UTC
They did!

Doesn't help with the feeling like shit, though. :(~~


redbrickrose April 7 2008, 04:17:35 UTC
No it doesn't. I was really pretty shocked that they actually went there. And God, how fucked up does Jack have to be after being buried for that long? Next season is going to be such an angstfest.


tx_cronopio April 7 2008, 00:36:08 UTC
BSG was just such a teaser! Nothing really happened except set up, I cannot wait till next week.


redbrickrose April 7 2008, 04:09:34 UTC
Definitely. I was so thrilled to have it back that I think I would have taken anything they threw at me, but mostly I want to see how it's all resolved.


aurora_84 April 7 2008, 00:41:24 UTC
Hi! Hi! BSG was awesome!

re: TW: :(((((((((((((((((((


redbrickrose April 7 2008, 04:10:56 UTC
BSG probably could have done anything they wanted and I would have been all BSG!!!! WELCOME BACK SHOW :D :D :D. I will have to watch it again to have, like, actual thoughts.

TW: I KNOW. *cries*


exsequar April 7 2008, 01:41:42 UTC
*clings to you* Torchwood! Battlestar! Battlestar! Torchwood! They both PWNED me. *flailyhands* I cried so so so sosososososo hard for Torchwood, ack. That packed one hell of a wallop :( It's incredible how many lightyears the show has improved this year.

Then BSG! STARBUCK! EEEP! *clutches her* Her hug with Lee kind of made my life - how she was like, "I know, me too" and just tried to soothe him, even though she didn't really know why he was so upset, and and and ugh my heart will ALWAYS beat for them. The horrible moment when Kara tells Sam that if she found out he was a Cylon, she'd put a bullet through his eyes. The fascinating tension generated by the new knowledge both we and the four revealed Cylons have. Gaius's newly compelling storyline (I was totally bored of him, not gonna lie) which is greatly aided by reappearance of hallucination!Six, who is just the hottest, sassiest thing ever. Tricia Helfer, marry me now, plzkthx.

ACK. STARBUCK. *flails* Is it next Friday yet?!?


redbrickrose April 7 2008, 04:13:58 UTC

The improvements in TW really have been amazing. I didn't expect it to grow up to be an actual show, but it really has and that was definitely one hell of an emotional gut punch. Owen *AND* Tosh? Oh, my heart.

I was really surprised how much I loved the Kara/Lee hug. The way they were handled last season really dulled my love for the ship, but it still really worked for me.

Gaius' new storyline creeps me out a bit but yes, head!Six will always be win.

I can't wait to find out who the last cylon is.


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