I have obtained Supernatural s2!
That was much more difficult than it should have been.
I have also obtained a Cobra Starship cd and a Gym Class Heroes cd. And the special edition Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack. I was up until 4am watching Fall Out Boy and Panic! at the Disco (and a few MCR) interviews and VMA performances and music
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Comments 19
If that's what they do when they're happy with me, I don't want to think about what they'll do if they ever get upset.
fueledbynoodles is a great media com.
theydresstight is a media newsletter.
dotcomes_refresh is theoretically a fic newsletter but it seems to be inactive.
heartsintact is a pretty good recs com (some of the stuff they rec is very meh, but overall good.
I get a lot of my reading from other people's del.icio.us lists. for instance del.icio.us/houseofpants/bandslash is skoosiepants's and it's GIANT. I have barely made a dent in it. mine is del.icio.us/nevernever/bandslash and i also have many things saved.
(also, i posted a TAI primer while you were away including music to download. you should go and read and love them. LOVE THEM! - you can find it by clicking my fannish.bandom tag)
And I will absolutely check out the TAI primer. I like them, but I don't know much about them, so that will be good. I feel like I should know canon other than P!atD, but I get so distracted by Brendon Urie.
I'm sorry I haven't been catching most of your posts because I've been busy getting settled in Dublin and I've only really been reading my bandom filter when I have some time online, but you are now on that filter and I will not miss any more ;) I saw your post about Turkey, that sounds so amazing! I'm so happy for you! :D
Let's see, communities. weemo_closet is pretty fantastic. heartsintact is a good weekly fic rec comm, multiband. patd posts almost everything that happens with Panic!, so I have it friended, but don't read the comments because it's all ( ... )
I saw Gabe Saporta interview Ryan. I haven't watched his interview with William Becket, but I will.
Thank you so much for the information. I'm definitely still getting my bearings in bandom, and I can't imagine I'll really have that much to say about it except for the INCOHERENT SQUEAKING, but I am definitely just as enamored of it as I was before I left for Turkey. *g*
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