
Apr 22, 2007 22:27

I never do memes, but now I am going to do two - mainly because my room is a mess and I've been not cleaning it all weekend, so I'm trying to not-clean it just a little while longer.

imagini )

new mexico, fandom, meme, the office, new orleans

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Comments 8

icons nojah April 23 2007, 03:58:47 UTC
days off are always too soon over. i agree.

i like your icons. a lot.


Re: icons redbrickrose April 23 2007, 04:39:26 UTC

Way, way too soon. Enjoy Dr. Who tonight!


zandra_x April 23 2007, 04:34:41 UTC
We all have valiant! plans.

I wish I had one of your drinks right now, and I don't even know what it is.


redbrickrose April 23 2007, 04:41:36 UTC
And they are always thwarted by my aforementioned impatience and lack of follow through.

I don't know what it is either. I chose it because it looks highly alcoholic. Highly alcoholic is my favorite kind of drink.


untitleddemo April 23 2007, 05:53:51 UTC
Hi! femmenerd recced me your way, thinking that we'd get along well. So I friended you and just wanted to drop in and introduce myself. :D


redbrickrose April 23 2007, 06:18:07 UTC
That was sweet of her. *g* Hi! And welcome.


mischiefmydear April 23 2007, 13:31:06 UTC
Garren and I have been ecstatic to find Abita beer up here (Turbodog, Purple Haze, and Amber, at least). Damn, I'd LOVE to find the Fleur de Lis, though.

Bloomington, oddly, has a few microbreweries up here, and we've been getting some tasty beer from them lately (although I'm certain I'm just not a fan of wheat beers).


redbrickrose April 23 2007, 23:12:48 UTC
I think I like the Amber best of the ones that they brew year round. I just drink the Fleur de Lis on principle.

There really are some great microbreweries around, and I ought to expand my horizons and drink something other than Abita.


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