
Apr 22, 2007 22:27

I never do memes, but now I am going to do two - mainly because my room is a mess and I've been not cleaning it all weekend, so I'm trying to not-clean it just a little while longer.

Read my VisualDNAGet your own VisualDNA™

And also - the three interests, three icons meme:

exsequar asked about abita beer, revenge fantasies and green chile.

Abita beer:
For those of you not local, Abita brewery is the micro-brewery in the area. When in New Orleans, it's pretty much the only kind of beer I drink. I drink Guiness on St. Patrick's Day and I sometimes drink Corona or Negro Modelo when in a Mexican restaraunt. Other than that, I pretty much drink different types of Abita. My dad is the biggest beer snob ever and tries to get me to drink other beer from other microbreweries, which I will do - but only when I am in other places. During that whole exile period, I had to drive three hours to Lubbock, TX in order to buy Abita Amber because that is as far west as it is sold. So I drove three hours. My favorite Abita beers are some of their seasonal ones - the Strawberry Harvest Lager, the summer wheat beer and the Christmas Ale. They also have an ale called Fleur de Lis Restoration and a dollar from every six pack goes to hurricane recovery. I'm pretty sure that only New Orleans would have hurricane recovery beer.

Revenge Fantasies:
How I got through high school. And elementary school. And I'm only sort of kidding. When people piss me off I spend a truly scary amount of time deciding how they should suffer for it. Luckily I am impatient and bad at follow through.

Green Chile:
What should be stuffed with cheese in order to make a Chile Relleno. It's a type of chile, and I grew up in New Mexico, so it is the only type of chile. It's native to that region, so my version of Mexican food isn't actually Mexican food. It's New Mexican food and it consists of sauces made out of these chiles (red or green depending on how ripe the chile is) smothered all over everything you could possibly imagine. I get so confused in Texas when they put meat chile on a burrito. Heathens. (J/k. Sort of). The New Mexico state question is red or green. Seriously. The legislature voted.

From The Office. Michael to Toby. Alternatively, how I feel about entirely too much of the world. *sigh*

Chile ristra! This is my New Mexico icon. See above: green chiles, except these are ripe, so they're red. They're pretty dead, actually. You could not make sauce out of them.

Also an Office icon. Pam and Karen! I ship Jim/Pam SO HARD, ya'll, but I have a real weakness for the Pam/Karen slash. And they're so cute in this episode where they're friends and Jim's all weirded out!

This weekend I finished a book for the first time since Mardi Gras. I am a shameful, shameful literature major. All I read any more is fanfic. Fanfic counts as reading, right? I think it does.

I saw La Boheme on Friday. Despite my love of musical theater, I've never been exposed to much opera. I was very amused by the way songs from Rent kept popping into my head and distracting me, though I probably should have expected that.

Why are weekends so short? I always have valiant plans involving things like cleaning and writing and reading actual books. Very, very rarely are these plans realized.

new mexico, fandom, meme, the office, new orleans

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