Oct 13, 2006 22:52

broadwayschatzi just told me that the scary Denny's on the south side of Roswell (aka the Denny's of prom night infamy) has closed and is now the ALIEN SURVEILANCE CAFE. It has a DOWNED WEATHER BALLOON and a GOVERNMENT TANK in front. This is the best news I've heard all week. HAHAHAHAHA! Oh, Roswell, you are made of so much cheese, with your UFO shaped ( Read more... )

new mexico, ros-hell

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Comments 4

spuffyduds October 14 2006, 04:05:47 UTC
alien head shaped streetlights? SERIOUSLY?


redbrickrose October 14 2006, 04:13:44 UTC
SERIOUSLY. Only downtown on Main Street, but yes, seriously. I would not make that up. They're green. They have eyes. It's AWESOME.


mischiefmydear October 14 2006, 13:33:28 UTC
... I feel as though I need to visit Roswell. You know that "see it to believe it" kind of deal.


redbrickrose October 15 2006, 20:07:49 UTC
It's worth visiting - once - for maybe a day or two. The alien stuff is novel and entertaining and the museum/planterium is really good for a town its size because of all of the O'Keefe and Hurd work it has, as well as all of the Robert H. Goddard stuff. It really does cash in on the UFO thing though, making the camp factor very, very high. *g*


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