Between Dreams and Nightmares

Aug 04, 2012 11:32

Title: Between Dreams and Nightmares

Genre: Friendship/Romance/Drama

Pairing(s): USUK

Word Count: 5,293

Rating/Warnings: 15, torture (implied), suicidal thoughts

Summary: Arthur was a squib with a magical best friend. To be part of the magical world was his dream, but not at the expense of everything else. It's a shame that some people don't take no for ( Read more... )

dumbledore, harry potter au, summer camp, england, america, lithuania, norway, canada, romania, hetalia, america/england, au, special relationship

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Comments 2

xolavander August 5 2012, 04:21:58 UTC
Aw! That is just so sweet! I'm happy for Arthur that he could finally use some magic, but the downside of it is that it's only limited due to his uncontrollable magic. Still, I'm so happy for him!

Al and Art's reunion is adorable. ;v;


redblonde7 August 5 2012, 21:46:17 UTC
I was thinking about naming this 'be careful for what you wish for' and then I couldn't be that cruel to Arthur, so had to throw him some hope for the future in there.

I really enjoyed thinking it up, I could just see it happening in my head. I'm glad you liked it!

Thanks for the comment!


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