Title: Blood Isn't Everything
Genre: Romance/Drama/Hurt/Comfort
Pairing(s): USUK, France/Canada, Spain/Romano, Germany/Veneziano, Belarus/Russia, Russia/one of the Baltics (unspecified), past mentioned England/China, England/India, England/Spain.
Word Count: 3,683
Rating/Warnings: 12, swearing
Summary: Done for the '
worlds beyond' prompt of Sweethearts
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Comments 5
I love Arthur in this as well, finally getting back at his awful family and pointing out that he had blackmail on all of them at the same time.
That wasn't actually intended (*blush*) but now that you point that out, I see what you mean.
Great story!
I think that Arthur's brothers don't always get on with Arthur (too much history) but will stick up with him when needed. And they like Alfred and hate their extended family as well.
Arthur's just mad because his extended family doesn't care about him, apart from to pass judgement on Alfred. And that really irritates him.
Thank you and thanks for the comment!
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I can't believe I forgot that, Giorgio's meant to be Sicily. I would go back and edit the entry but LJ would do something strange and probably delete all my paragraph spaces again. Sorry about that!
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