Blood Isn't Everything

Feb 13, 2012 21:30

Title: Blood Isn't Everything

Genre: Romance/Drama/Hurt/Comfort

Pairing(s): USUK, France/Canada, Spain/Romano, Germany/Veneziano, Belarus/Russia, Russia/one of the Baltics (unspecified), past mentioned England/China, England/India, England/Spain.

Word Count: 3,683

Rating/Warnings: 12, swearing

Summary: Done for the ' worlds beyond' prompt of Sweethearts week. Arthur's rich family dislike Alfred and one weekend they take this too far. Arthur is not happy and make sure they know it. Inspired by a 'Malcolm In The Middle' episode. AU

My Dear Family,

All I wanted to do was to celebrate Grandfather's birthday. No hidden meaning (even though that must be hard for some of you to believe), no other reason apart from coming to wish Grandfather a happy 60th birthday with my boyfriend. Alfred was already nervous enough after what you said to him last time and it was very hard to keep him calm. Patrick and Jacob didn't help at all, I will admit that. But neither did you.

"Stop jiggling Al, they'll love you," Arthur reassured his husband as they drove up to the country house.

"They didn't seem so happy before, they told me that I had made you gay and that was the reason you'll burn in hell!" Alfred said in a distressed voice and Arthur winced. It had taken a while for Alfred to calm down after that.

"Look they've known I was gay, or bisexual rather, ever since they found me snogging Yao when I was younger. Any more comments like that and you'll know their shit okay? Just relax, it's my grandfather's birthday otherwise we wouldn't be here. God forbid, seeing my brothers won't exactly be a joy," Arthur muttered as they parked and got their bags out of the car.

"I like your brothers, at least they don't look at me like I'm something they scraped off the bottom of their shoe," Alfred said unhappily and Arthur clasped his arm before kissing him chastely.

"And that's why we only see my extended family once every two years and we see my siblings every few months, not that I have much choice in the matter," Arthur said as he caught sight of a red blur out of the corner of his eye, signalling the arrival of his twin siblings, Erin and Patrick, "and Matthew will be joining us later this afternoon so there will be someone else you know there."

"Little brother!" Arthur disappeared from Alfred's sight as two redheads tackled him to the ground. Patrick looked up at the laughing American.

"Hey Alfred, you nervous? They've invited Arthur's ex-girlfriend Sarada over." Alfred looked queasy again and Arthur kicked Patrick in the side so he was bent double.

"Thanks for that Patrick," Arthur muttered sourly, standing up to grab Alfred's hand.

"Here comes cousin Bertie now." Erin muttered to Arthur who breathed in deeply to brace himself. An arm was slung around his neck and he was quickly drawn into a headlock.

"Still as weak as ever Artie!" Bertie crowed above him but Arthur stayed calm and resorted to the trick he had learned after seven years of Bertie doing this. He quickly jabbed Bertie in his slightly pudgy waist and then twisted. Bertie screamed, the sound unexpectedly high-pitched. There was a moment of silence before everyone fell about laughing.

"I can't believe you still make that sound!" Patrick said to the flustered Bertie.

"Clever trick Arthur," Bertie muttered before turning his attention to Alfred, whose smile quickly faded from his face. "So this is your friend? A bit young for you, don't you think Artie?" Bertie laughed uproariously, his laughter sounding even more out of place as no one else laughed. Alfred smiled weakly but Arthur glared at his cousin who paid no attention. He definitely paid attention when Arthur drove an elbow into his gut.

"You're right Bert, this is Alfred. My boyfriend," Arthur said calmly, ignoring the spluttering Bertie to walk over to Alfred.

"Not in front of us Art!" Patrick complained, making gagging noises. Arthur and Alfred ignored him as they kissed lightly.

"Come on Al, we might as well get this over with."

And I did not appreciate the comments that I overheard about Alfred must be fucking me for my money because there could be nothing else that would attract him. I would have let Alfred punch those responsible if I thought it would do any good. Besides, it would hurt Alfred's hand. That boy, as you call him, doesn't get that mad over insults to him, it's insults to me that get him riled up.

"I wanted to punch him." Alfred's jaw was clenched and Arthur could not help but smile at how protective Alfred was being. They were in the guest bedroom of the mansion, in one of the smaller ones Arthur noted, after Arthur had dragged Alfred away from a group of the party guests. They had been speculating, in excessively loud voices, about why Alfred and Arthur were together. Their reasons were not flattering.

"Alfred, look it's okay. I know it's insulting to be thought of as a golddigger - " Arthur was going to add that he was not too thrilled about the personal comments about him, when Alfred grabbed his arms and looked at him seriously.

"Arthur, you can't actually believe that you have nothing else to offer apart your money? That's complete bull. I love you Arthur, not your money." Arthur smiled softly at Alfred, whose face started to soften.

"I was going to say that I know their opinions are rubbish. I wouldn't listen to them about what colour tie to wear, let alone about my relationships or lifestyle choices." Alfred looked momentarily surprised but quickly grinned.

"Brilliant." Alfred kissed Arthur, wrapping an arm around his neck so he could grip Arthur's hair. Arthur grinned into the kiss, pulling Alfred closer to him by the waist.

"Ewwwww." An obnoxiously loud voice burst their happy moment and they disengaged, breathing hard.

"Peter, go away," Arthur said firmly without looking at the door where he knew that his twelve-year-old brother was. They heard Peter scampering away, slamming the door behind him.

"I still think I should have punched them," Alfred said, seemingly out of the blue as he returned to their earlier conversation.

"It would have hurt your hand," Arthur pointed out and Alfred laughed. Arthur smiled as he realised that his boyfriend was back to his usual good humour.

You took every opportunity to insinuate that Alfred wasn't part of the family, and yes I know he's 'just' my boyfriend but I've been with him for four years now, it's time you got over it, as Alfred would say. For God's sake, you even made Feliciano's friend Ludwig feel more welcome than Alfred! What about it is so horrible for you to consider? Is it the fact that I'm dating a man? Because let me say, every single member of this family has skeletons hiding in their closet. Every single fucking one. And a lot of those involve a same-sex affair. Or relationship. Some skeletons even involve illegitimate children. I mean did you really think that Helen is Jack's friend's daughter? Look at the eyes.

Don't think I didn't notice you flipping the cushion over after Alfred had sat on it Francis, or you Jack, calling Alfred a wimp because he played American football back in the states. Francis, you got what you deserved when you figured out who Matthew was and Jack, don't you dare make me say that American football is more manly than cricket. It may pain me to say it but I will.

"So uncouth Arthur, I really think you are digging the bottom of the poverty stricken barrel with Alfred." Francis, beautiful, elegant, incredibly insulting Francis had now descended upon Arthur and was giving his opinion of Arthur's life over a glass of French champagne.

"Shut up Francis," Arthur muttered around gritted teeth as he gripped his wine glass too hard.

"But you are Arthur. I mean if you were going to be gay, then why couldn't you be gay with my friend Antonio? At least he has the proper breeding." Arthur stared at Francis in disbelief.

"Francis, I hate to break this to you, but you're gay," Arthur said in a mock-sorrowful voice. Francis sipped his champagne, unconcerned.

"I know but I'm a male model. We're practically expected to be gay." Arthur shook his head in disgust before a smile spread across his face.

"As for your friend Antonio, who's to say I haven't been gay with him?" Arthur raised an eyebrow at the shocked Francis, inwardly rejoicing, before going to find Alfred. Vultures his family were, they were swarming around his grandfather's body until his heart finally gave out or he announced his will.

Arthur found Alfred sitting on one of the horrendous pink sofas and looking just as uncomfortable as Arthur expected. Alfred was sitting next to Lovino was talking in rapid Italian to Giorgio and Feliciano. Arthur spoke some of his grandfather's language and was able to understand most of what Lovino was saying but Alfred obviously didn't have a clue. He was listening to Lovino with rapt attention that Arthur had only seen him pay to his video games and to his superhero movies. The effort that Alfred was willing to make for him made Arthur's throat close up and a strange feeling of half pity and half pride go through him. Among that was resentment towards his family who refused to see how much Alfred wanted to fit in, just because he felt like he should since it was Arthur's family.

"This moron next to me wouldn't know Italian from Spanish!" Lovino was saying in Italian and Giorgio laughed while Feliciano's expression dimmed slightly. Alfred's smile widened slightly as if he was trying to share in the joke. Unfortunately for Lovino, Arthur understood the joke perfectly well and did not find it funny.

"We all know how you feel about the Spanish Lovino, no need to rub it in our faces," Arthur drawled, struggling a little to remember the right order of words. All four of them jumped and Lovino went bright red.

"Fuck off Arthur," Lovino hissed and Arthur smiled blandly, enjoying himself as he watched Lovino's blood pressure rise ever higher.

"Arthur!" Alfred sounded worried, darting looks between the livid Lovino and the calm Arthur. Feliciano and Giorgio had scurried off, proving that they at least had some self-preservation instincts. Lovino decided to follow but not without trying to bump Arthur's shoulder as he went past.

"Remember to ask your dear Spanish lover about me. He should be able to tell you some interesting things about our relationship," Arthur added, probably unnecessarily cruelly, but he felt a grim sense of satisfaction as Lovino went an unusual shade of white before walking off quickly.

"What was that all about?" Alfred asked as Arthur sat down next to him and took a long sip of wine out of Alfred's glass. "And since when can you speak Italian?"

"Lovino was being a bastard. And I learned to speak Italian ever since I realised how much I hate secrets being kept from me. Same reason I can speak Spanish and French as well. Drives Francis mad." Arthur allowed himself a smile at this before leaning on Alfred's arm and sighing. "I'm so tired of my family already. I'm sorry  they're still being horrible."

"It's okay Arthur. So you learned three extra languages because you're horribly nosy?" Alfred tried to lighten the mood by teasing Arthur. Arthur let him for once.

"Is there any other reason?"

Despite nearly all my family insulting me and my boyfriend, I was actually having a good time. With Alfred, I nearly always am. But then you lot had to ruin it. I don't know what you said to Alfred but he was all happy at the drinks part and then an hour later, he was in our bedroom and wanting to go home. He was almost crying and Alfred does not cry. He jokes, then he insults and then he physically fights, but he doesn't cry. So you must have made him feel so terrible about himself that he did none of those things. And that is why I cannot feel sorry about what my brothers and I did.

You deserved it. That's all I'll say.

"Alfred, we're about to have the family dinner. For some reason it's outside, despite it being England which means it can rain at any time...." Arthur trailed off and stopped searching for a new tie to look with concern at the figure sitting slumped on the bed. "What's wrong? Normally you would jump in with a joke about English weather by now."

"Arthur." Alfred's voice was cracked and Arthur's worry increased tenfold. "I want to go home." Arthur swiftly moved around to Alfred's side of the bed and knelt down in front of him. Alfred still did not look at him but Arthur could see the flushed cheeks and eyes that had a suspicious shine to them. He barely registered Peter and Matthew appear in the doorway.

"Alfred, what happened?" Arthur could not hide the alarm in his voice. Whatever had happened to Alfred since he last saw him had been severe enough to cause this complete change of mood.

"Please Arthur, can we just go home?" Alfred made eye contact with Arthur and silently begged that he would not go any further into the issue. Arthur gave him a soft smile, one that he only showed to Alfred. He could see Alfred's mouth lift slightly as if he was trying to return it.

"Of course Alfred, I just have to take care of one little thing first," Arthur said and although Alfred looked confused, he nodded his agreement. Arthur stood, still smiling and faced the doorway. "Matthew, can you help Alfred pack up his things?" Arthur asked and when Matthew nodded, Arthur left the room, pulling Peter along with him.

"What's wrong with Alfred?" Peter asked, his voice much quieter than normal. Down the corridor where there was no one else around Arthur knelt down to Peter's height.

"Our family can be very, very cruel sometimes. Our family has been very, very cruel to Alfred and I am not too happy with them. I am going to make sure they regret it. Now are you going to help me or not?" Peter nodded enthusiastically. "Good. Now gather Bryn, Jacob, Erin and Patrick. We are going to cause a little mayhem."

I would volunteer to pay for the damages but the fact that it's burning a hole in some of your pockets is just too delicious to pass up. The reason I got my brothers involved is because they all like Alfred and are just as sick of this family judging him as I am. I have to say, they rose to the occasion magnificently.

"Ready?" Arthur asked his brothers as they watched their extended family chatter and laugh among themselves as they seated themselves around the table. As they did so, Arthur noticed that there was just enough spaces for the Kirkland brothers but not for Alfred and Matthew. This made him grit his teeth and look at what they were about to do with new determination. "Bryn, Erin, if you would be so kind." His twin brother and only sister both grinned at him with identical smiles before walking calmly towards the table. Bryn walked towards the end nearest the brothers while Erin made her way to the other end. They captured everyone's attention when they stood on the table.

There was mutterings around the family and many asked Erin and Bryn what they were doing.

"Ready with the bicycle, Arthur," Peter said excitedly as he perched on his brand new red bicycle. Patrick grinned at the younger boy as Jacob appeared behind them all.

"Everyone's things are in the car. Alfred and Matthew are waiting, very confused, in the car as well." Arthur nodded, glad that everything was set up now. They would need to make a quick getaway.

"Do the signal," he replied and Jacob lifted his fingers to his lips and let out a piercing whistle. A few heads turned to look but nearly everyone's attention was drawn to Bryn and Erin, who had started to walk towards the centre of the table, kicking plates of food onto people's laps as they did so. Arthur walked up to the end of the table unnoticed and climbed up himself. Bryn and Erin had reached the middle of the table.

"Not the cake!" Someone yelled but it didn't stop the two of them stamping on the cake with no further fuss. Their job done, they hopped off the table and stood back for Arthur to do what he wanted. Now everyone looked at him with a mixture of fear and contempt.

"From day one, ever since I brought Alfred back to meet everyone, you have all been horrible to him," Arthur launched himself straight into it, "and I will not stand by and let you do it anymore. You seem to look down on Alfred because he doesn't come for the same background as us." Arthur started to walk along the table. "Well, let me tell you something, everyone here has the right breeding and I despise every last one of you." Arthur was glad that the kids were eating somewhere different so he could say this with absolute honesty. "Alfred is a better man that any of you can be and until you can accept him, I don't want to be a part of this family anymore."

Arthur turned to his grandfather, who was sitting in between Lovino and Feliciano in stunned surprise. "Some of you actively treated Alfred like shit. Others just stood by and watched as others treated him like shit. You're both as bad as each other. But you all pissed off the wrong member of the family because no one knows more about the sordid little secrets in this family than me. And I want to share some with all of you." To Arthur's great satisfaction, several members of the family went pale.

"Grandfather," Arthur looked directly at the man, who had been kind but distant since he was little. "You might want your pure Italian blood to be passed on but the trouble with that, is the fact that all three of your 'pure Italian' grandsons are gay. Lovino is dating Antonio, Feliciano is dating Ludwig and Giorgio hires regular prostitutes." The three boys mentioned went white, Antonio looked angry and Ludwig looked stricken.

Next he turned to his cousin. "Cousin Natalia. I feel like I should tell you that your husband, Ivan, isn't attracted to you. He's prefers small men that he can dominate easily." Arthur said this with a mock-concerned voice and he saw Natalia grip the butter knife tightly. Not wanting to show fear, Arthur turned back to Lovino.

"Hey Lovino, I'll tell you a secret. I took Antonio's virginity," Arthur said with a cruel smirk and Lovino looked the worst that Arthur had ever seen him. Antonio now looked very worried and Arthur moved on. There was more things he could have said, but he knew that it would completely destroy their relationship and he couldn't be that cruel.

He faced the last one, the one that Arthur was (arguably) closer to than anyone else in their extended family and had said the worst insults. "Last but not least, Francis." Francis sipped his wine, seemingly unconcerned. Francis was very open about his scandals and the only thing that he knew of that Arthur could hurt him with would be his dead fiancée. "You know that boy you've been dating? Matthew Williams?" Now he had Francis' full attention. Francis had not expected Arthur to know Matthew's name or even that he was dating anyone. "It turns out that his brother is called Alfred Jones." The wine glass dropped to the ground. "It's a small world after all." Arthur smirked at the devastated Francis and decided to add one more blow. "Of course he was here for most of this weekend and he knows how you've treated his brother. Let's just say, he's not too happy about it."

Finally finished, Arthur straightened up and scanned his family. Most of them were looking relieved that Arthur hadn't broadcast their secrets.

"Don't worry everyone, I still know all of your skeletons. Illegitimate children, mistresses, prostitutes, fraud, theft - the list of your crimes go on and on. And you might have been able to keep your sordid little secrets if you hadn't hurt my boyfriend. Good day to you all." With no further ado, Arthur walked to the end of the table and hopped off. He nodded to his brothers who set off the firecrackers underneath everyone's seats, causing screams and yells to fill the air. Peter rode his bicycle through the throngs of people, causing everyone to scatter and knocking over several garden statues. A piercing whistle from Jacob ended his ride. The six siblings quickly made their way to the car.

Alfred and Matthew were now standing outside the car and looked up with identical expressions of confusion and worry. Alfred's expression lightened when he saw Arthur while Matthew still seemed just as confused. The bangs and screams were still audible and Arthur couldn't help laughing as he swept Alfred up into a kiss.

"Wha.....?" Alfred asked after they broke apart, even though a smile was starting to tug on the corner of his mouth as well.

"I just told my family some things," Arthur said innocently and Alfred's eyebrow raised in disbelief.

"Come on you two lovebirds, we don't want to hang around," Patrick said loudly and Arthur turned to see that everyone was already squashed into the car.

"We'll go in my car," Arthur said. Patrick shrugged and the car doors slammed shut.

The man that you are so willing to ridicule and insult is more my family than any of you. I do not care whether I see any of you again, we're related by blood but there are no other bonds there. When I marry Alfred, and that's when and not if, the only ones of my blood relatives that I will welcome will be the ones that accept Alfred. In other words, my brothers. The rest of you can stay the hell away.

Hopefully I won't see you anytime soon.

Arthur Kirkland (with help from Bryn Kirkland, Patrick Kirkland, Jacob Kirkland, Erin Kirkland and Peter Kirkland)

russia, scotland, rome, australia, wales, germany/veneziano, sweethearts week, hetalia, america/england, france, romano, blood isn't everything, belarus, france/canada, sealand, sicily, spain, america, england, veneziano, canada, ireland, special relationship, au

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