Beyond The Normal

Feb 13, 2012 21:48

Title: Beyond The Normal

Genre: Romance/Drama/Hurt/Comfort/Anst

Pairing(s): USUK, hinted France/Canada

Word Count: 3,461

Rating/Warnings: 12, mentions of torture and imprisonment

Summary: Done for the ' worlds beyond' prompt of Sweethearts week. Airship, slightly steampunk AU. Alfred and Arthur are on opposite sides but are used to meeting up. When the police interfere, their meeting quickly turns bad. It's up to outside help to get them out.

Is your name Alfred Frederick Jones?


Do you understand the charges that have been filed against you?

Why don't you tell me again, just in case I didn't.

Alfred Frederick Jones, Former First Class Airman of the National Air Force of Laurasia, you have been charged with knowingly associating with a known criminal and pirate that is wanted throughout all of the Western Continent, divulging state secrets to this known criminal and conspiring to bring down the Laurasian government. You are a traitor to your country and the highest sentence that you can get is hanging and burial in an unmarked grave. Do you understand the charges that have been filed against you?

My country is the only one I am loyal to.

You should have considered your country more before you started to associate with such beings as Arthur Kirkland. I suppose we expected too much from a cyborg.

The battle between the pirates and the military lit up the sky of the costal town of Sterling but the residents below were long used to this and paid it no mind. Pirates and military members gave equal business to them and even though some barmen and inn-keepers refused to do business with known criminals such as airship pirates, there were plenty more that would. Money was an issue for the town and always would be.

Some would just say that the pirates they met were more polite and generous than half of the military men they served. Whether these people knew that the pirates heard this kind of talk and paid close attention to it was another matter.

After the battle, the military and the pirates would limp back to the respective places of refuge and then both sets of people, in plain clothes, would set out to relax on the town. This was normal and the people of Sterling expected it after a big battle. The organised meeting of First Class Airman Alfred Jones and Captain Arthur Kirkland was also normal.

Arthur would arrive first and start drinking immediately in a darkened corner of the bar, which seemed to be almost reserved for them. No one else drank there and the barman discouraged it with any new customers. Alfred would stroll in after that, laughing and joking with the barman and other regulars, but always searching the bar until his eyes found Arthur. His mechanical arm would gleam as he picked up his usual drink from the barman and walk over to sit by Arthur.

"Nice battle. I almost felt scared for a second," Alfred would say and Arthur would smirk. The two of them knew what he meant. Arthur would never hurt Alfred and vice versa.

"Oh please, I had you running at the first sight of the cannons." Arthur would always tease Alfred, finishing the last of his drink only to order another one straight after.

"Cannons? Is that what you call those little guns?"

"Considering they managed to knock out one of your guns, I think they worked quite well."

"Everyone has to get lucky once in a while."

"It's a shame that it doesn't happen to you more often." Their banter was legendary and the barman normally hung around that end of the bar for a bit just to hear it. After the battle of wits, the two of them would shift closer and speak in low voices, unable to be heard by anyone else in the bar. The barman would sigh and get back to work, knowing that they would be leaving soon. Their whispering always meant that they were close to leaving for somewhere more private. That was the way they had always gone until one time the rules were changed.

One dark Tuesday, Arthur and Alfred had arrived at the bar and started their usual banter. They were inching closer towards each other when the door was flung open.

"International Police!" The cry was heard in all corners of the bar and caused panic in all the customers. The barman watched as his bar was destroyed as people fled out of every window and door available. The only ones who did not flee were Alfred and Arthur.

"I didn't think they would find me here," Alfred said to Arthur in a low voice. Arthur agreed as several guns were levelled at them both.

"I planned to get arrested in a big battle, not get cornered in some bar," Arthur said in distaste as several members of the police approached them.

"Hey!" The barman did not agree with that and Arthur nodded in apology. He let his arms be twisted behind his back as the police put the cuffs on him. The only time he did resist was when they started cuffing Alfred.

"What do you think you're doing, you morons? That's a civilian you're arresting." The men handcuffing Alfred faltered for a moment before a barked order from their superior meant that they continued. "Well, I didn't believe it true that the police were all idiots but judging by your actions, it seems I have been proved wrong," Arthur said acidly. Alfred gave him a weak smile and Arthur went quiet, even as he stewed in resentment.

"Take them away. They're both traitors." Arthur saw how much the order hurt Alfred and felt his anger, so hard to hold in check anyway, rise up inside him.

"So says the ones that are led around like dogs on a lead," Arthur pointed out and the policeman behind him yanked his cuffs painfully. Arthur didn't let out a sound but his face turned white.

"Hey, watch it with the cuffs," Alfred said angrily to the police man holding Arthur.

"Sticking up for your little friend? I suppose that's good since you won't be seeing each other again," the man in charge said and Arthur and Alfred glared at him. It was a good thing they were cuffed. The barman watched, feeling scared for the man in charge and disappointed that his best customers were leaving. The police always ruined everything.

Is your name Arthur Kirkland?

No, it's Franklin Williams.

Lying to the police is an offence, Mr Kirkland.

And I assume that you have proof that I am lying? You have proof that I was born Arthur Henry Kirkland and not Franklin Jack Williams?

Then I want to see it.

Stop delaying procedure, Mr Kirkland. You'll simply have to take our word for it that we have proof and start telling the truth.

You'll have to believe me when I say that your word means nothing to me. While you are producing that proof, you can also produce First Class Airman Jones. That should keep you busy.

This is not a game, Mr Kirkland.

Funny, I wasn't playing.

Francis looked over the worrying reports that his runner, Peter, had brought in. It seemed that a new branch of the police had sprung up, intent on catching pirates and traitors to the government. The problem was that some of those arrested went to trial, but the others just disappeared. Idealists would hope that there was simply lost paperwork but cynics, like Francis, would know that there was corruption in the police ranks. And now two of his friends were lost in that corruption.

His pirate friend, Antonio, had supplied as much information as he knew about the new branch of police before he disappeared off the grid. While the new branch was corrupt in so many ways, they were also brutally efficient in others and Antonio had decided to disappear until the chance of being tortured and killed after arrest had decreased massively. Francis couldn't blame him, if he was a pirate, he would have done the same thing.

His companions, Monique and Matthew, were both hunched over papers in the small bedroom. The three of them had been searching for some clue as to where Alfred and Arthur were, but had so far found nothing. Matthew especially had been frantic, due to Alfred being his younger brother.

Monique yawned and rubbed her eyes, pushing her glasses up slightly.

"The words are starting to blur, I think I need to go for a walk. Does anyone want anything to eat or drink?" She asked but both Matthew and Francis refused. She left the room and the door shut behind her with a bang. Francis looked over at Matthew.

"It wouldn't hurt to take a break," he tentatively suggested but Matthew shook his head frantically like Francis had ordered it.

"I need to keep on looking. I won't be able to rest until I find something, at least one thing, that will help us to find them." Matthew stared harder at the papers in front of him, his back hunched in the position he was in. Francis felt exhausted just looking at him.

"When Monique comes back, I think it will be good for all of us to take a twenty minute break. That way we will be fresher and able to look at the words without our eyes crossing." There was a moment's silence when Francis wondered whether Matthew would retreat into his silent shell again, before he sighed and his shoulders slumped.

"You're right. I'll take a break before getting back to it." Matthew looked up at Francis, his usually bright eyes dull and slightly glazed. Exhaustion was taking its toll. "It's just, it's been a week and we're no closer to finding Alfred and Arthur. And even when we do find them, we'll have to plan a way to get them out, if we even can." Matthew curled in on himself and Francis, unable to help himself, moved across the room to sit beside them. "I'm just worried about the state they'll be in when we finally get them out," Matthew confessed and Francis' heart shattered just a little bit more. He was terrified of that as well and he worried whether, if they found Arthur alive and Alfred dead, Arthur would even want to be rescued.

Francis put his arms around him and Matthew sank into his chest, both of them needing the comfort. It would be a long time before they could relax again.

I didn't tell him anything!

Lying is an offence and you will have to be punished for that. Spitting will be punished as well.

Arthur wasn't with me to get state secrets and I wasn't with him to betray Laurasia. We just enjoyed being together. I know that must be hard for you to understand, considering no one has ever loved you in your life.

Don't get smart with me, Jones. You actually believe that Kirkland was with you because he wanted to be? You stupid, naive idiot. He was with you because you were in a prime position in the air force and could give him information about anything that went on in the air force, such as positions of the ships or any weaknesses. He told us himself.

Yeah, after the whole 'pretend Arthur is dead thing' to get me to confess to things I didn't do, you're going to have to try a lot harder to get me to believe you.

"And the dastardly pirate Arthur Kirkland swooped in and for a moment, Peter Pan thought that the worst had happened! But, lo and behold, the dastardly pirate Arthur Kirkland was sword fighting with Captain Hook himself and saving Peter Pan!" Peter Kirkland swooped around the garden as the imaginary figure of Arthur Kirkland held off Captain Hook just in time for Peter to escape. There was a glorious battle between the two before Arthur twisted his hand quickly and Hook's sword went flying out of his hand.

"Ah, the dastardly pirate Arthur Kirkland is victorious! He has saved Peter Pan and Captain Hook limps away, cursing the Peter Pan and Captain Arthur Kirkland until he comes back to fight another day!" Peter narrated the battle and cheered in victory as he imagined Hook shaking his hooked hand up at Peter Pan and his big brother, Arthur Kirkland. They stood together as Captain Hook moved out of sight. When he was gone, Arthur turned to Peter.

"Make sure that you don't get into any more trouble," Arthur scolded like Peter remembered him doing hundreds of times before.

"It's not my fault that I get into trouble. Trouble finds me," Peter protested the scolding like he had hundreds of times before. Arthur gave him a familiar half-scowl, half-fond look before saying,

"You're my little brother and I'm supposed to look after you, but I'm not always around. You can help by staying out of trouble." Arthur's figure disappeared and no matter how much he wished it, Peter's imagination could not draw him out again.

"Why can't you be here now, Arthur?" Peter muttered to himself as he kicked his foot on the ground. He loved his foster father, Berwald, but it had been over a month since he had seen his brother and he missed him so much. Sometimes the only thing that he could think of during the day was how he told Arthur to not come back, that he was fine with Berwald. And Peter was fine with Berwald, but he loved his brother more than anything and wanted him to come back.

"Peter, time fo' tea," Berwald called across the garden and Peter put up a hand to show that he had heard. He had one last thing to tell his brother though.

"Come back soon, okay, Arthur? I'm not going to apologise until I can do it in person." That said, Peter ran back inside for his tea.

You're lying, you're lying, you're lying.

How can we be lying, Arthur? You saw his body, you saw Alfred's body. He is dead because he would not give up the information, he is dead because of his acquaintance with you. Some things are fact and you just have to accept them.

He's not dead, he's not dead, he's not dead.

He is. A good thing too, a traitor like that was going to die any - GUARDS! STOP HIM! HELP!

"There it is," Matthew whispered, more to himself than anyone else. The building before him looked like any other government building, grey and unimportant. But inside there was his brother and Arthur and Matthew would do anything to get them back.

"We're so close," Monique whispered to Francis, who nodded, his eyes fixed on the building as well. The three of them had searched for weeks on end, unable to find any lead that would let them know where Alfred and Arthur were. But then, someone came forward with the information and the three of them had almost wept in relief. It had been horrific for anyone who had known and missed Alfred and Arthur, but it had been worse for the three of them, who had ate, slept and breathed nothing else.

Now they had to wait, because to storm the building would be suicide for them and would mean the death of Alfred and Arthur. There was nothing harder than waiting, not even sure that their source would pull through and get them out. They were resting all their trust on one person they did not even know that well, who worked for the other side, and everything inside them was rejecting this idea.

While Francis and Matthew were on edge, hoping against hope, Monique was terrified for a different reason. If their source fell through, if they didn't rescue Alfred and Arthur, then there was a chance that Francis and Matthew would never recover from it. Monique would be heartbroken herself but Francis and Matthew had friends and brothers in there, who they had devoted themselves to saving. If this failed, there was a chance that the two of them could take it as them failing. They would not take it well.

If it didn't work, Monique would have to keep them together. She did not know how, after spending so many months with them, she could live properly after losing the bond between the three of them.

For all their sakes', she hoped it would work.

Arthur, we have to go.

Go? Where?

Somewhere away from here. I'm getting you out but we have to go now.

You're one of them. I'm not going anywhere with you. You killed Alfred.

Arthur, I'm sorry. I'm not like them, I swear. My brother, he is part of this even though he does not know what they do, but I was enlisted in this without my consent. And when you're in, you can't get out. It's servitude or death and it would destroy my brother if I died.

Well, it destroyed me when Alfred died so excuse me if I don't feel too sorry for you and your brother. How could you work for the government anyway?

Their corruption did not show until the last hurdle and by then it was already too late. I promise you, everything will be better if I can just get you out of here. I'll get you back to your friends, your brother, Peter, misses you. He sends letters to where he thinks you are every day apologising for something.

Fine. I'll trust you, this time. But not because of you and not because of me, but because of them.

That's all I ask. I swear, it will get better when you're out of here.

If you say so.

Can you stand?

For more torture? No. To escape? I should bloody well hope so.

Two strangely shaped figures crawled along the sand to the ridge where the three of them waited. Francis and Monique fell back into the shadows, where things were familiar and they were safe, but Matthew stretched out of the darkness, hoping that what he saw was correct.

"It's them!" He hissed and Francis and Monique immediately scrambled closer for a better look. "And two others. They're unconscious but they look like they're alive!" Matthew was unable to contain the joy he felt when he saw his brother and his friend being carried up to the three of them.

"I can't believe it," Monique whispered, seemingly completely stunned as the two unknown people came to a halt in front of them and hefted Alfred and Arthur off their backs. As the moon came out from behind its cloud, the three of them could recognise their source, a young girl with short, blonde hair and bright green eyes. They did not recognise her companion, a short boy with curly blonde hair and dark blue, almost violet, eyes. The boy avoided their eyes but the girl watched Alfred and Arthur, especially Arthur, with compassion.

"Be careful with them. Their torture has been mental much more than physical," she said quietly. Matthew was already beside his brother feeling for a pulse but Francis and Monique nodded in agreement with her words. Before they could stop her, she knelt beside Arthur. "Arthur, wake up. It's time to wake up, we've escaped." To everyone's amazement, Arthur cracked open his eyes. Something strange was going on though, his eyes seemed more guarded than usual and he stared at the girl with suspicion, ignoring everyone else.

"Well?" He asked in a hoarse voice. "I'm waiting for you to fulfil your promise." The girl smiled, which is more than the three of them felt like doing and even her companion looked at her in surprise.

"Look around Arthur." Arthur finally looked away from the girl and over to Monique and Francis. His eyes widened and the two of them finally saw a spark of familiarity and joy in his eyes. "Keep going," the girl prompted and this time, everyone was sending her strange looks. Everyone apart from Arthur, who was obeying her order. He turned his head and a smile started to flicker on his face when he saw Matthew, although he looked pained as well. When his eyes arrived on Alfred though, they widened to a degree once thought impossible.

"Alfred," Arthur whispered. Before anyone knew it, he had thrown himself across the small distance between him and Alfred. "Alfred," Arthur said again, but this time it was as his fingers shakily felt for a pulse. As he found one, Arthur broke down into tears and buried his face in Alfred's chest.

"I've fulfilled my promise. Remember what I said," the girl said quietly before she and her companion disappeared down the sandy hill again. Francis and Monique paid them no more mind for the moment, because they were too busy crowding round Arthur and Alfred and rejoicing as Alfred finally stirred into consciousness. It was as if a great weight had been lifted from their shoulders. They had Alfred and Arthur back and reunited again. They had succeeded.

beyond the normal, sealand, latvia, liechtenstein, monaco, england, america, canada, sweethearts week, hetalia, america/england, france, au, special relationship

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