Supernatural fic: Peaceful Easy Feeling

Jun 13, 2011 13:29

Characters: John, Dean, Sam
Rating: G
Length: 609 words
Status: Complete
Notes: Written for spnspringfling 2011

They're in Texas again. )

sam winchester, gen, john winchester, #fic, dean winchester, supernatural

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Comments 15

geckoholic June 13 2011, 20:53:07 UTC
This is wonderful, calm and nostalgic and you practically feel the summer heat. :)


redbells June 13 2011, 23:03:20 UTC
Thank you! I was really trying for a nostalgic feel so it's good to hear that came through :)


jacyevans June 13 2011, 22:41:01 UTC
This is beautiful. I love the glimpses of them as kids, and John shines through beautifully.


redbells June 13 2011, 23:07:02 UTC
Thanks! I am in love with the idea that even though their lives have been crazy, they had moments like this. And John is one of my favorite characters; I am inordinately pleased that he rang true ♥


jacyevans June 14 2011, 01:46:44 UTC
This is exactly how I see John - training the boys ex-marine style, but still able to have fun with them in the moments in between. I love a well-written John.


redbells June 14 2011, 23:53:03 UTC
Exactly! I feel like John was a man in a tough position just trying to keep his boys safe. He gets a bad rap in fandom but I really love him. And I am so happy you feel like I wrote him well :)

Have you checked out dodger_winslow's stuff? Her John is fabulous.


quickreaver June 14 2011, 04:32:13 UTC
That Eagles album took me through many a family vacation. Totally melancholy! Very nice. :D


redbells June 15 2011, 01:30:53 UTC
I love me some classic rock. And I know a lot of people think that Dean only listens to hair metal and arena rock, but I've always envisioned him picking up stuff from John: The Eagles, CCR, Springsteen, etc.

Glad you enjoyed it :)


ficwriter1966 June 14 2011, 12:58:12 UTC
That's absolutely lovely! It brings back memories of lazy summer days with my family, and of the heat in Texas. \O/

Thank you for sharing it. :)


redbells June 15 2011, 02:30:13 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad it came across like a lazy summer day - that's exactly how I wanted it to feel :)


sgmajorshipper June 14 2011, 19:33:54 UTC
Guh. This is gorgeous in a way that feels just like our oppressive, hot summers in Texas. And I just love how it gives us that little peek into the boys and a slice of domesticity, Winchester style.


redbells June 15 2011, 02:33:29 UTC
Yay! I'm really happy that it feels like Texas - the closest I've ever been is Oklahoma, so I'm thrilled I got the atmosphere right! Even though I've never actually made it to Texas, I've sort of fallen in love with the idea of a Texan summer, and I couldn't resist imagining one for the boys. And the prompt was domesticity, so two just clicked for me :)

Glad you like it!


sgmajorshipper June 15 2011, 03:00:40 UTC
It's funny, it seems like everything about Texas is iconic, including our often miserable summers. But really, as much as I whine about how hot they can be sometimes, I love the feel of it. And you got it perfectly. So, yeah, perfect Winchester domesticity set in summer is perfect. Plus, I'm a bit in love with the idea that the boys have good memories of my state, since it seems like it's one of those few places in the US that doesn't actually get a lot of attention on the show.


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