Supernatural fic: Peaceful Easy Feeling

Jun 13, 2011 13:29

Characters: John, Dean, Sam
Rating: G
Length: 609 words
Status: Complete
Notes: Written for spnspringfling 2011

They're in Texas again. )

sam winchester, gen, john winchester, #fic, dean winchester, supernatural

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jacyevans June 13 2011, 22:41:01 UTC
This is beautiful. I love the glimpses of them as kids, and John shines through beautifully.


redbells June 13 2011, 23:07:02 UTC
Thanks! I am in love with the idea that even though their lives have been crazy, they had moments like this. And John is one of my favorite characters; I am inordinately pleased that he rang true ♥


jacyevans June 14 2011, 01:46:44 UTC
This is exactly how I see John - training the boys ex-marine style, but still able to have fun with them in the moments in between. I love a well-written John.


redbells June 14 2011, 23:53:03 UTC
Exactly! I feel like John was a man in a tough position just trying to keep his boys safe. He gets a bad rap in fandom but I really love him. And I am so happy you feel like I wrote him well :)

Have you checked out dodger_winslow's stuff? Her John is fabulous.


jacyevans June 15 2011, 00:09:01 UTC
I have my issues with John, don't get me wrong, but I do appreciate him being written in-character.

Yes, I have and yes he is :D


redbells June 15 2011, 01:29:00 UTC
I have problems with John too (mostly with him being secretive and a touch too authoritative) but I love him enough to forgive most of them :D

Still super happy you feel like he was in-character!


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