More Oddments and Endments: Seriously, I won a thing? No, really??

Jul 02, 2015 16:50

*First Things FIrst (and now a word from our sponsor): kwritten has a poll over at multi_genfic regarding Round 5 (the theme: Superheros) and a special query trying to gauge interest in a Buffyverse gen-fic community - separate from multi_genfic? A continued part of the comm? Don't change a thing? Weigh in with your thoughts and interest level.

* THANK YOU to everyone who voted ( Read more... )

comm: whedon_elite, pimping, fandom: btvs, art gallery, nominations/awards, slayers, form: banners/posters/wallpapers, comm: slayerstillness

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Comments 26

kikimay July 2 2015, 20:58:14 UTC
I already voted on everything and I'm so happy you won! The whedon_elite one was really hard to choose and ultimately I picked the Lorne icon because it's so sad and perfect for him but you even made Riley look sexy! Wow! What kind of scene was that? I don't remember it.



red_satin_doll July 2 2015, 22:10:45 UTC
That image of Marc Blucas is from this photo, not a screen cap:

But he's wearing an army jacket, and it's the image I want to use for a poster for one of Velvetwhip's stories, and it seemed perfect for him after abandoning Buffy. (Yeah I said it....) I just love that image. I'm really pleased with how that icon and the Lorne one turned out - and btw I haven't seen Not Fade Away but just looking at the screen caps and reading his dialogue from the episode I cried making that icon.

Thank you for voting sweetie! I have a bunch of alts from this, slayerstillness and 20in20 to post that I think you'll really like. :D


kwritten July 2 2015, 21:14:59 UTC
(babe you should probably go back and change your vote on that poll b/c you are voting for there not to be a Buffy track at all and I don't think that's what you wanted?)

Also thanks for the pimp. I had already decided there were enough votes to warrant doing a Buffy-gen community on it's own which will run the 15th through the 14th of every month starting in July, but more votes and more weigh-ins will definitely help

Congrats on the icon wins!


red_satin_doll July 2 2015, 22:03:57 UTC
(babe you should probably go back and change your vote on that poll b/c you are voting for there not to be a Buffy track at all and I don't think that's what you wanted?)

You can throw out my vote sweetie if you want because, like I said - I want what you want. (at least as far as this subject is concerned.) I'm not going to write fic and I love more Buffyverse but I'm reading your other comment and I don't want to be part of you feeling pressured to do something I want.

So, I guess I can go vote again later but it's really all good to me. If that makes sense?

Congrats on the icon wins!

Thank you! I'm super pleased about the Whedon Elite wins because I've never placed there before (except Mods Choice), and it forced me to address some issues that have been a challenge for me as an artist: 1) doing icons with male characters, and 2) working quickly.


snogged July 2 2015, 22:29:22 UTC
Congratulations on your wins, darling!

Also, don't forget 20in20 voting is going on right now!


red_satin_doll July 2 2015, 23:06:08 UTC
Thank you sweetie! And I definitely haven't forgotten - I voted! I want to promote the vote in separate post (and then intend to bang that drum often - much more so than last round.)


snogged July 3 2015, 00:50:29 UTC


velvetwhip July 3 2015, 00:27:27 UTC
I would LOVE to join a BTVS genfic community!

Also, major kudos to you on the wins!!!!!



red_satin_doll July 3 2015, 01:30:31 UTC
Kelsey would definitely love your feedback then:

Personally I love the idea of more GEN fic - especially in terms of friendships/relationships between women. (Answering Prayers is on the surface Jangel, but the mother/daughter relationship is it's heart - and you already have a great deal of experience writing gen even in your shippy stories i think you'd be a marvelous asset to such a comm. I can't say much because I don't write but I can make pretty banners and promote it and such.)

major kudos to you on the wins!!!!!

Thank you for being in my corner my dear Muse!


feliciacraft July 3 2015, 06:38:39 UTC
Congrats on the wins, woohoo!

I'sd suggested to kwritten on having a separate Buffy track when she'd been worried that it was crowding out the smaller fandoms, so I was glad to see it on the poll! Naturally I voted for it. :) Thanks for spreading the word. I'd mentioned in the su-herald too in the hope of getting more votes. :)


red_satin_doll July 3 2015, 15:07:31 UTC
I'd mentioned in the su_herald too in the hope of getting more votes. :)

I saw that and it's a great idea - using your powers for good! :D

I must admit one of the most effective if time consuming ways I've found for getting out the vote (say, when an icon challenge vote has had a low turnout) has been to PM folks who I know are interested, have voted in the past, or who are friends/writers whose works I've voted for in the past (or who have promoted fic sites) because turnabout is fair play. And because there is so much stuff to keep up with (I would have missed Sunnydale Memorial awards voting this round if spuffy_luvr hadn't reminded me. And no I DO NOT ask people to vote for me. Just in case anyone is wondering.)

You'd be surprised the results a quick direct PM can bring.

Speaking of SunnyD - good luck in this round especially as new author!


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