More Oddments and Endments: Seriously, I won a thing? No, really??

Jul 02, 2015 16:50

*First Things FIrst (and now a word from our sponsor): kwritten has a poll over at multi_genfic regarding Round 5 (the theme: Superheros) and a special query trying to gauge interest in a Buffyverse gen-fic community - separate from multi_genfic? A continued part of the comm? Don't change a thing? Weigh in with your thoughts and interest level.

* THANK YOU to everyone who voted for my icons in Challenge 120 of whedon_elite - my Riley icon won second place and my Lorne icon tied third (with shameless666)! WOW! I honestly did not see that coming. Those are my two favorite icons from that round, so I'm thrilled that it was those two.This is the first time I've "placed" at WE, so much joy in my little part of the world. Congratulations to all the winners of this round fassy, shameless666, entwashian, sweet_lyri and starry_night! Banners forthcoming soon.

* THANK YOU to the voters in slayerstillness Challenge 46 and to starry_night and tempertemper for the Mod's Choice and Banner Maker's Choice Awards! I'm well and truly astonished by the fact that these are the two "weirdest" of my entry set, the ones I was certain nobody would like except myself (and my darling, amazing, astonishing Muse, velvetwhip) ergo, "Oh what the hell, why not?"

Banners by tempertemper

* Finally -  THANK YOU to whoever (whomever?) nominated me for "Best Reviewer" at Elysian Fields!  I'm really floored by that - in part because I don't see myself as "part of the community" but spuffy_luvr encouraged me to sign up, so I like to dip in and out, check out fics, carefully back out when I see the tropes a'coming and say nice things when I see folks writing stuff that should be encouraged.

Speaking of spuffy_luvr, she's up to Chapter Nine in Ipseity, her Seasonal Spuffy offering; if you read it at SS, make sure you re-read Chapter Two as she went a bit deeper into Buffy's mindset than in the original version. I love the surprising emotional depths, the sly and subtle callbacks to canon, and the fairness and compassion for all the characters. (She even made me appreciate Andrew (!) and I generally loathe the character.)

comm: whedon_elite, pimping, fandom: btvs, art gallery, nominations/awards, slayers, form: banners/posters/wallpapers, comm: slayerstillness

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