Sunnydale Memorial Fanfic Awards, Round 27 Nominee: Best Angst, Best Characterization, Best Gen Fic, Best Quickie
Runner-Up, Best Angst (Gen)
Absence of Light Awards, Round 4 Nominee: Best Drabble, Best Author; Runner-Up, Best Drabble. Judge's Comments: "I really like how this is AU, but doesn't feel like one. It easily seems to fit in with the
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Comments 45
Thank you for the compliment! Did you read brutti_ma_buoni's original? It's miles better. This is sort of an "insertion".
It's a big scary thing, in fact! :D
I also love this idea - it flickered across my mind when I was writing, what if Buffy could remember Dawn but no one else could, but I didn't know where to go with it. And now you did, and it's amazing and devastating to Buffy. Great stuff.
On the other hand - you liked it! I'm grinning like a little kid on Christmas here- talk about ego swell! Thank you thank you!
I'd say you were a goddess, but Muse works too.
I don't know that I'll write another one, as this is the first time I'd been inspired to do so. (Well, there is a Buffy & Giles post-Chosen ficlet roaming in my head, so, maybe....)
Incredible, I'm so glad you've stepped into BtVS Fanfic with this gem. Lovely is lovely is angst. *rushes off to read rec*
ps: " fanficcing other fanfics. Which says absolutely nothing about my creativity - or rather, it does, and none of it good" is everything that is good about the Universe. I HAVE FEELINGS about this.
I HAVE FEELINGS about this. Yes I see you crossed it out but I would love to hear your feelings on this. Feelings are of the good! I imagine you have interesting thoughts to bear?
BMB's original story was an AU version I had never consider but made SO much sense to me and was so incredibly moving. And the late seasons are my favorites (5-7), because I identify with Buffy's depression a great deal, so I'm very glad that came across to you. She really had been depressed on some level since Prophecy Girl, hadn't she? Seven seasons of PTSD and does she get any real therapy? No, just "pick yourself up, dust yourself off and keep going." Then again, who would a Slayer go to?
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