Sunnydale Memorial Fanfic Awards, Round 27 Nominee: Best Angst, Best Characterization, Best Gen Fic, Best Quickie
Runner-Up, Best Angst (Gen)
Absence of Light Awards, Round 4 Nominee: Best Drabble, Best Author; Runner-Up, Best Drabble. Judge's Comments: "I really like how this is AU, but doesn't feel like one. It easily seems to fit in with the
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Comments 45
He smiles at her fondly, proudly, even, the way he did in the car that night. Before Jenny...Nice callback. Also heartbreaking ( ... )
I'm so glad it worked for you. And getting compliments like from writers I admire? that's just priceless.
Really heartbreaking, but not in a way that's absolutely final, you know?
You know, that's exactly what I intended, because brutti_ma_buoni's story is very sad in that "final" way, and this was meant as a sliver of time before her story. I'm so happy that came across.
Nice callback. Also heartbreaking.I loved Jenny so much.A mature woman, smart, sexy, a computer/tech teacher, not afraid to make the first move on a guy and express her desires - so of course, she HAD to die, right? And thus another chapter in the "Joss is not as much of a feminist as he thinks he really is" saga ( ... )
I love your icon btw - that's our girl. *hugs Buffy*
I never thought through what it would do to the monks' spell if Glory did succeed in using Dawn to open her portal. But yeah, that could be one outcome -- with the Key out of the world, and the reason for the spell gone, no more edited memories. For everyone except Buffy, who was so close when it happened, anyway.
So now Buffy's in a similar situation to Angel when he was the only one to remember Connor. Except that Dawn's not better off with a happy, normal family. Poor Buffy!
But then I actually feel a little guilty saying that; I felt guilty writing this, on some level. Am I torturing Buffy? (I rant about JW/ME/DH doing that. Any dif here?) Am I enjoying her pain just a little too much?
And I'm glad you noticed the promise to Joyce. I really love that about S5 (Joyce never got enough love on the show IMO). I don't know if you read my previous meta on the importance of Buffy's promise to Joyce to protect Dawn? It's rarely mentioned in fandom but for me it's a very important part of Buffy's motivation. And god knows Buffy's super-responsible - of course she would try to keep Joyce's dying wish. it just got mixed up with the other things going on in her head and heart at the time.
mcjulie wrote a very nice meta on the Gift and why Buffy's decision to save Dawn stems from the instinct she's displayed over and over in stopping apocalyses, knowing what the right decision is on a subconscious level, but not knowing exactly how to get there.
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