WIP Bang: Art for "Only Human After All" by impala_chick

Sep 07, 2018 22:49

A/n: So I planned to post this shortly after the official posting date...and promptly forgot. XD So I'm here now, before I descend back into the void (school) - where did summer go?????

I love doing art for wipbigbang, and there was as always, lots of goodies to choose from. Since I was feeling pretty burnt out from school, I decided to only do art for one ( Read more... )

tv: supernatural, character: allison argent, wip big bang, tv: teen wolf, *bang art, character: stiles stilinski

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Comments 2

impala_chick September 8 2018, 19:00:39 UTC
These are still so gorgeous and haunting! The colors just set the mood so perfectly. I'm so very glad that you like SPN/TW crossovers :D :D :D


red_b_rackham September 26 2018, 23:18:38 UTC
Thank you so much, darling!! I'm so glad you love them. (Also, is your pic a pic of Dylan smelling Crystal's hair lolol)

I LOVE SPN/TW CROSSOVERS!! I feel like they're so, so well suited to each other. :D


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