WIP Bang: Art for "Only Human After All" by impala_chick

Sep 07, 2018 22:49

A/n: So I planned to post this shortly after the official posting date...and promptly forgot. XD So I'm here now, before I descend back into the void (school) - where did summer go?????

I love doing art for wipbigbang, and there was as always, lots of goodies to choose from. Since I was feeling pretty burnt out from school, I decided to only do art for one WIP Bang fic this year. But, the second I laid eyes on impala_chick's summary, I gasped hard and scrambled to claim it. Another Teen Wolf/SPN crossover? Yes. Rufus hunting with Allison? Yesss. STILES/ALLISON?! YES YES YES. I had to have it, and the fic is fab! I'm so glad I got to art for it, and my author partner was fab too. :D

Fic title: Only Human After All
Fic summary: Lydia told her she wasn't going to escape the nogitsune, and Allison felt prepared for that. But then Scott died and she didn't, and she has to figure out how to keep on living. She turns to hunting, knowing it's something she can do far away from Beacon Hills. Her dad's friend Rufus takes her under his wing, and she lets her grief and anger fuel her missions. And then Stiles shows up at a ghost hunt, and Allison's perspective changes. He might not be such a bad partner, but what would it mean to keep him in her life?


Title Art

Broken Hearts

Not Today

AO3 Art Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15471891
Fic Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15471195

tv: supernatural, character: allison argent, wip big bang, tv: teen wolf, *bang art, character: stiles stilinski

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