1) The deadline is tomorrow, Friday the 20th at midnight for both
otherworldlyric challenge #166 , "Easy Way Out" by Gotye, and
slayerstillness challenge 20 "Love Song for a Vampire. More entries are needed - and I'm sitting both of these out, so don't look at me. I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy the pretties this time around
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Shipper wars are about the guy and dressed up to be about the actual awesome woman in the middle*.
*the one exception to this rule (that I've seen) has been either in the case of M/M vs. CANON M/F (which is troubling) or in the case of Lost Girl, which has a bisexual protagonist ( ... )
I'm actually looking in to writing some scripts for a few ideas I've had and pitching them to some networks because I NEED A STORY THAT MEETS MY NEEDS EVEN IF I HAVE TO DO IT MYSELF.
Nothing is what it seems, everyone is very broken and that's something I kind of love about it. The idyllic party scene is just a facade and the characters are very human underneath, despite how they might appear. It gets a lot darker in season 2, in fact, every second season is darker that the last except maybe s6 which IS dark but is also full of backwards characterisation and stupid plots that still makes me kind of angry. Ugh feelings.
I FULLY SUPPORT THIS PLAN. Hugs, cookies, cheering, beta'ing, kicks in the butt - whatever you need.
Even if it doesn't get "greenlighted" it could be a play, a book; and nowadays making a film is becoming so much cheaper thanks to digital technology.
And thank god for the internet. I'm not sure if folks who have always had it in their lives realize what an amazing tool it can be. My friend Christine introduced me to fanfiction - she wrote Deep Space 9 fanfic that she copied and stapled herself on a mimeograph machine. Which meant that a couple of people got to see it at best.
we NEED to tell our own stories. We can't wait around for others to do it for us.
My feelings are so raw right now.
But OMG you can't do that! That will mean you're a reverse sexist! How dare you! */end snark* Never mind if you're doing it to make a POINT, and not for the sake of "entertainment".
But I won't of course.
'cause I also know that some of the people who would say just that to you have NO problem with those very things used against female characters. Who enjoy reading about torture as something sexy and will tell you it's "just fantasy". As long as it's used against women that is.
OTOH there are people who love to torture Spike, so....*shrugs*
This is why I'm so conflicted because I want this to happen, and I think it's latent misogyny why it doesn't ( ... )
Kelsey pretty much speaks for me, but I want to reiterate - it's not against you at all. The patterns she calls out are ones you haven't been guilty of, just the opposite.
It comes down to I don't hate shippers I hate the toxic atmosphere created for female characters, for fans of those female characters, for themselves and one another. Failing to have fun over what we all love and instead tearing one another apart over who "wins" who.
I'm of two minds about this: if we say shipper wars dismiss female characters, are we dismissing fans who identify with the males involved?I'm criticizing patterns of thought and behavior I've seen at large. NEVER have I said "don't identify with male characters." Hell, I have actually fought for and defended Xander to other fans because I can see the good as well as the bad in him. He's complicated ( ... )
Anyway, glad to make your journal the coffeehouse!
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