cupidsbow wrote in
Jun 28, 2010 23:47
DHARD McClane/Farrell, 'Awkward' by artangst
Outside POV, in which one of John's colleagues is present when Matt is the victim of a crime. Enjoyable outing story.
tags: die:hard, mcclane_farrell, pg-13, artangst, fiction, gossip, revelation, character:realisation
A-TEAM Murdoch/BA, 'How To Keep Your Man: A Teen Beat Exclusive' by tuesday
Five "dates"
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cupidsbow wrote in
Jun 14, 2010 17:57
SPN Sam/Not!Sam/Dean, 'Private Function DeanWinchesterHasGotItGoingOn' by mirabella
Sam is replaced by a robot; Dean's interrogation technique is very Dean-esque. LOL.
tags: supernatural, sam_dean, nc-17, mirabella, fiction, mirror, kidnap, threesome, crack, robot
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cupidsbow wrote in
Jun 08, 2010 23:38
TREK REBOOT Kirk/Spock, 'Prehensile' by janice_lester
LOL x infinity. Spock has a prehensile cock. Often, concepts like this don't get the treatment they deserve, but in this case, the author brings the full quota of crack to the yard.
tags: star:trek:reboot, kirk_spock, nc-17, janice_lester, fiction, crack, super:powers
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